
  • Mindset Mastery 2022

    Mindset Mastery 2022


    Hey whats up hello!

    Happy 2022!!!! I know this year is going to be the best one yet because, well I’m going to make sure of it. I also am going to help YOU make sure this is one you will look back on with pride regardless of what happens beyond your control.

    Mindset Mastery allows you to understand the why behind your current mindset, helps you train your brain to find opportunities, and put them into action. After eight weeks you will have the tools you need to create the life you crave. The real value is the confidence to know you are in control of your life and now have the skills to create it.



    You have reached the end of your life. You pass on peacefully with the love of your life holding your hand. You end up in a in a bright white room with a screen and a chair. You sit. Roll film. It’s your life… played out in front of you. Tears well up as you see you mom holding you as a baby. You see your first step. First day of school. Falling off your bike. You see you passing your drivers test and pulling out of the drive way alone for the first time. Your first kiss. Your first heartbreak. The video is playing faster. When you failed your midterm in college and thought your life was ruined. Then when you graduated. Crying on the bathroom floor the first time you were stressed about rent. The vacation you took with you best friends. Even Faster. Falling in love again…deeper this time. Marriage. Kids. Faster. Sports games. Homework. Faster. Grandchildren. Retirement. Faster. The end.

    But the movie wasn’t over.

    It started from the beginning. You see you mom holding you as a baby. You see your first step. First day of school. This time you choose to sit with the nicest kid in class not the most popular. You study more. Spend more time reading and with your family. You see yourself at seven standing proudly in front of the mirror full of confidence.

    That is when you realize, this is what your life could have been if you believed in yourself enough to go all in. To live authentically. To love deeper. To work a little harder. To give a little more. You are seeing how the compounding choices add up to the life you fantasized about as you drifted off to sleep. You were always capable, you just didn’t trust yourself enough to try.

    My biggest fear aside from spiders and like bad guys is wasting my potential. Like if my life replay is me laying on the couch scrolling on TikTok…. WHAT A DANG WASTE.

    This is why I started working on my mindset which led me to become a certified mindset coach myself.


    Let’s talk program details …..



    Let me show you what our workbook looks like!



    The workbook is the heart of the work, and you my dear are the soul. I am so  to watch you grow into the you you are meant to be.

    We start FEBRUARY 14th

    When you are ready, you have two sign up options.



    I am counting down the seconds until we get to work together. I am so excited to overcome challenges with you and celebrate your BIG wins.

    2022 is meant to be your year.




  • Monday Mindset Mastery

    Monday Mindset Mastery


    Long time no chat!! This isn’t the place for a life update but I have been doing all the things… opening a business, falling in love, getting engaged, planning a wedding… you know the usual.


    The foundation of everything I do is mindset. Fitness is mindset. Nutrition is mindset. I want to start off my week with the strongest mindset possible… enter Monday Mindset Mastery.

    This is a open discussion. A place to share, connect and be inspired.

    This week we are discussing VISUALIZATION.

    Listen to THIS podcast and get ready to chat!!




  • 2020 VISION

    2020 VISION


    Here she is… my vision board.

    The point of making one is to have a visual representation of your goals. Using the law of attraction // manifestation this is a tool to help you open your heart + soul to the universe or God or whatever you believe in to help you achieve your goals.

    Sharing this is hard. Terrifying actually because I’m giving you a front-row seat to my goals, values, and dreams.

    Maybe the vision I have for my future surprises you, maybe it doesn’t.

    Making the left side (the career // work side) of my vision was basically effortless. It took me minutes to put together my future. I have known my career path for years and my vision has always been crystal clear. My goals are centered around impact and connection. How can I bring as many like-minded + goal-oriented people together as possible? How can I do something at this moment to leave a lasting impression on someone’s life? How can I show people the light I see in them, the one they are completely unaware of?

    I struggled with the personal life side of my board. My career seems so clear because it’s about me and you. I know you. I know myself. Most importantly, I know how powerful we are together. When it comes to my personal life, I know I want a true partner and best friend. I don’t know what the future looks like because I don’t know my husband… yet. (PS I know I don’t “need” a man, but I want someone to share my life with, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to love and to be loved)

    I want a marriage that is built on a strong foundation of friendship, trust and love. I want a family. A home filled with laughter, dance parties, and messes. I want our home to be a place of comfort for anyone who has found hardship. There will always be a clean bed, a hot shower, and a warm cup of coffee for our family (either through blood or by choice). I want happy + healthy babies. I want everyone to roll their eye at me when I force everyone into matching jammies on Christmas Morning for a cheesy picture with bedhead and morning breath.

    The kitchen and bedroom are the soul of any home so I made sure to include them. My bed is my favorite place to be… it always has been. In fourth grade, we had to write about our favorite place. Other kids wrote about the beach or their grandparent’s house…I wrote about my bed. I can’t wait for cozy mornings in bed with my little family.

    I made my vision board on Canva. I literally downloaded everything from Pinterest and made a desktop wallpaper. It was so easy and super fun!!

    Do you have a vision board?!? How has it changed your life? Where do you keep yours? LET ME KNOW!!

    Make good choices. Wash your hands!




  • Zoom Is the Best Way to Sweat.

    Zoom Is the Best Way to Sweat.

    Katie Dudley Zoom Fitness Classes



    Zero part of me wanted to do zoom classes. I thought it would feel like a knock of, diluted version of my real classes. I thought I couldn’t deliver the level of class my clients deserve and there was no way I would be able to correct their form. 

    I also was a little judgmental of the home workout situation… like how hard could a workout possibly be if my clients only have access to weights 15lbs or less. 

    Here I am eating my own thoughts and words. 

    I love Zoom. 

    I love everything about it. I get to see my clients in real-time. I can watch them move. I can read their bodies. I can see their faces. 

    This format is amazing and will always be apart of The Studio by TPB. Why? It’s respectful of your time. Listen, nothing compares to the real deal, in-person sweats but I am asking you for so much more time. Your time is wildly valuable and the only thing I can’t refund you for. 

    The time you spent getting ready, driving, sitting in traffic, parking, waiting for class to start… all non-issues. 

    If class is at 9am I open the room at 8:57am. We sweat and are logged off and headed to the kitchen by 9:47am. What you get back is the 20-minute drive to class, 10-minute wait before class, the 15 minutes you spend after class, and that 20-minute drive home. Think about It. You just gained over an hour of your day back. 

    Okay, how efficient?

    Say you workout 5 days a week. Zoom classes would save you 260 hours a year which adds up to almost 11 DAYS worth of time. 


    Not to be dramatic but honestly, what could you accomplish with 11 extra days a year…also, this math is terrifying because I spend way more than 5 hours a week on Tiktok which means I spending WAY more than 11 days worth of time watching unrealistically attractive 14-year-old girls do dances I can’t figure out for the life of me. 

    ANYWAY…back to Zoom. 

    Germ-free. Efficient. Effective. I mean what more could we want. 

    Also… let me tell you I was humbled by the home workout. Ya girl can deadlift 300lbs and also get her booty handed to her by a 10lb dumbbell. Also, from the JLO booty science, I teach my clients the booty is looking high and tight…

    Truly my tush has never looked better and of course, the peach is in peak shape when I’m going from my desk to the kitchen and then back to bed. The irony. 

    Life and workouts are what ya make It. 


    Make good choices. Please for the love of all things Pink social distance so this mess can end.


