Get The Memo on MACROS

The response to my last post was UNREAL. Thank you guys so much for all your support…I am the luckiest girl in the world. I seriously couldn’t ask for better readers. Because I love you oh so much, I want to give you a deeper look into tracking macros.

I didn’t want to give away too many details about the diet I follow because that would be taking away from the purpose of having a coach…mine changed my life. Out of respect for her and everyone who is in the program, Im keeping most of the details on the DL. I hope that makes sense. That being said if you WANT more details (aka her contact information) LET ME KNOW in the comment section below! I emailed everyone back who commented//emailed me about check your inbox for a little love note from me!!

Back to tracking… This isn’t the first time I have tracked macros. A few years ago I worked with an insta-famous coach. While it worked for me short term, it lacked the accountability I now have with my current coach. I mean what is better than taking a spin class taught by your coach? Nothing.  I also wasn’t ready mentally. With anything in life, you have to be mentally prepared for the commitment. Two years ago I just wasn’t ready.  During the six weeks there are going to be bridal showers and birthday celebrations. Sometimes it’s easy to say ‘No thank you’, other times it BLOWS but having support from people who are politely declining as well takes the sting out of it…I promise.

To understand macros you need to understand calories… Calories are a source of energy, which we get from the different types of macronutrients we eat (protein, carbs and fats). If you’re into following fitness influencers on social media (like I am) you have most definitely have heard of ‘If It Fits Your Macros’ (IIFYM) or flexible dieting.

Essentially the idea is that your body recognizes the building blocks of food. If you stay within the parameters of your macros you can make what you want ‘fit’. The only problem is you can make junk food fit in your macros. Which is fine in theory but that still allows for sugar cravings and makes progress slower.

Sure, I could have a cookie and make it ‘fit’ within my carbs for the day but is that going to make me stronger, faster or more flexible? Heck no. Which is why I don’t do IIFYM at the moment. I only want the purest, most nutrient dense foods filling my macros while I continue to get into the best shape of my life. As I move more into maintaining my progress, I will most definitely make sure my treats fit into my macros for the day…that is all part of living a balanced life. For now I am sticking with the basics… clean and lean.

Tracking macros ensures your are fueling your body with exactly what it needs. You need just enough, not too much not too little. Personally, I don’t think I could have achieved half of my progress without my coach or the group of people doing it with me. The process has been so fun…I  truly look forward to seeing the changes in my body every single day.

I hope this cleared up some questions!!! Don’t forget my inbox is always open so leave me a love note!




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