If you are new to HIIT welcome!!! Set up your timer like we did in WEEK 1. Compete this circuit in three rounds resting about a minute in between. Do as much as you possibly can because this is a short, explosive workout designed to have you burn F A T for 48 hours after you are finished. Have fun!!
Squat jacks: two of my favorite exercises in one! It’s just like a jumping jack except you land in a squat when you jump your legs open.
Alternating Lunges: step your left foot forward. Bend both legs to create 90 degree angles at the knees. press of the front foot to come to standing. Repeat on the other side.
Push ups: Starting in a plank position, bend your elbows wide to the side lowering your body to the floor. Press up explosively.
Rope Climb: Lay on your back with your feet towards the ceiling. Imagine you are trying to climb a rope at the end of your feet. Alternate reaching your hand toward your opposite foot to climb while isolating a crunch in your obliques.
Squat Kicks: squat down as low as you can go. As you press up through your heels, Kick straight forward. Repeat squat kicking with other leg
Star Jumps: Start in a bent position with feet and knees touching. Hands are by your toes. Explosively, jump into a star position (hands and feet wide to the side). Land in the starting position.
This week is intense. Modify Modify Modify.
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