Hellloooooooo BABES

I know I have been MIA butttt it is only because I want to give you valuable content. Im not going to waste your time with boring, non-informative posts. That being said I have HUGEEEE projects coming up. In February I will be working with Daniels Vein & Cosmetic Center to take you through the process of the coolest new way to FREEZE fat away….Cool Sculpting. I can barely contain my excitement. I am PUMPED. In the next two weeks I will be posting all the research I did and expect a big vlog of the entire process. AHHHH IM SO EXCTIEDDDD.

NOTE: I have NOT been sponsored by any brand in this post. This is my true and honest opinion the BEST products I have found to date.

Getting into today’s post, we are talking about SKIN. I have been much more in to skin care lately than I have been into makeup. I only wear makeup once a month (if that). HOWEVER, I do a face mask almost every other day. I have been testing everything from face rollers to the Acne Mask and it’s time for me to way in.

I’m a huge believer in preventative skin care and working from the inside out. The body stops producing collagen at 20 years old which is why we start to see fine lines in our 20s and 30s. I drink a collagen powder every night to keep my skin plump and youthful. TRUST me when I say it works…my mother the skeptic swears by it. I also believe in drinking at least a gallon of water a day and eating mostly clean unprocessed foods. Don’t forget to drink your nutrients with my Berry Blemish Blaster in addition to sweating (makeup free) for an hour each day.

Now for the good stuff.


I am a sucker for a good face mask. I really love having a mini spa at home. Some of my favorite masks are a little on the expensive side, others are for babes on a budget. I pick my masks based on how my skin feels at day. If Im oily, I know my skin is dry (the body produces oil to try and hydrate the skin) so I use a moisturizing mask. If I slept in my makeup after my bestie’s 21st birthday celebration (lol) I use a mask for deep cleansing. That makes sense right?


I found this brand when I was DYING to know what the mask was that every influencer I follow (stalk) was wearing, the mask that pulls black heads and acne to the surface. Enter the SUPERMUD mask. It goes on gray, dries greenish and visibly pulls out black heads. I know, I know the price is scary but I wouldn’t tell you about it if I didn’t think it was worth your hard earned money.

My second fav from GlamGlow is the GRAVITYMUD firming treatment. This mask makes you look like the tin man. It comes with a supercute mini brush for application. Best part…its a peel off mask. I have definitely noticed firmer skin since adding this gem into my routine

My final choice of the squad is the YOUTHMUD. This one I find to be the most exfoliating. This is one I will use a day or two after the SUPERMUD. Why? SUPERMUD brings imperfections to the surface while the YOUTHMUD exfoliates them away.


I found Skyn Iceland during my two month hunt for the PERFECT eye mask. As I told you HERE I love love love their product and everything they stand for as a brand. I love that they are comfortable, stay in place and don’t leave a sticky residue. PLUS they actually work. After falling head over heals for the eye masks I also bought their forehead and smile line masks. I seriously love them soooooo much.

Sheet Masks

I (very) recently learned the power of a sheet mask. They have always sort of freaked me out…but for the TPB readers I’m willing to do (almost) anything. Turns out I actually enjoy a good sheet mask. I have been using Sephora brand and they are great! They are easy to use and perfect for babes on a budget!!


I found ice rolling when every blogger on the planet did a post about it. I needed a stocking stuffer for Christmas so it was an obvious choice. Why use an ice roller? Think about when you ice an injury… It decreases inflammation by cooling the most superficial layers of the skin which constricts blood vessels to decrease redness. It is PERFECT after some late night shenanigans or too much Chinese food or chips and salsa… you get the picture. Plus it feels oh so good.

LAST but certainly not last the Acne Masks from Neutrogena.

The second I saw the commercial for the Acne Mask I knew I had to test it out for you. I mean seriously, a mask that decreases inflammation and treats acne causing bacteria?!?! The first time I tried it I fell in love. Even if I didn’t see improvement in my skin, the mask has the same feel-good effects as going into a tanning bed. I loveeee to start my day with a little meditation and a ten minutes mask session. The mask comes with 30 sessions. They you recycle the charger-like-thing at your local Best Buy and get a new one! I have noticed a major decrease in the redness in my cheeks. PLUS since I have started using it, I have gotten the best feedback on my skin.

I hope you found a product or two to add to you wish list!!! If you have any face mask you are obsessed with LET ME KNOW! I’m always looking for the latest and greatest in skin care!!




4 responses to “SKIN CARE // FAV FACE MASKS”

  1. Gina Avatar

    Obsessed with the IlluMask I believe it is pretty much the same as the neutrogena. I have scaring and it has helped tremendously! Also, I dont know if its the same for the neutrogena mask but for the IlluMask it only allows you 40 time uses before it runs out and the company essentially makes you buy a whole new mask (which is about 50 bucks). However there are a ton of youtube videos on how to hack the battery so you can use it as many time until the LED lights give out. Have a look into it if the neutrogena is at all similar! Keep kicking ass girly. I love reading your stuff.

    1. Avatar

      I will have to try the Illumask!!!!! Now I need to do a comparison!!! Thank you so much for reading! You are the best!!

  2. Vicki Cox Avatar
    Vicki Cox

    After reading your post, I bought a little sample pack of GlamGlow from Sephora. I’ve only tried a few so far, and I LOVE them! Thank you! Any suggestions on products for dark circles under eyes? 🙂

    1. Avatar

      Im so glad you love them!!!!! The BEST products for dark circles are Skyn Iceland Eye Masks and It Cosmetics ByeBye UnderEye concealer. They CHANGE the game…. You will love them!

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