Ballin’ Brussels Sprouts

Choosing my first recipe to post was honestly a no brainer. The entire purpose of starting TPB was to take the yuck-factor out of a healthy lifestyle.

I know, I know Brussels Sprouts have a bad reputation. But hear me out, if not prepared correctly any food tastes bad right?

We fry, grill, and bake chicken. We add spices and seasoning. We let meat marinate over night to absorb flavor. Boiled chicken breasts and plain brown rice sound like a total snooze fest to me. The same thing goes for veggies.

If you steam veggies in the microwave they aren’t going to be nearly as tasty. Im telling you, try this recipe…it is a game changer. The first time I made Sprouts for my roommates in college they were more than skeptical but it only took one taste for Brussels sprouts to become a staple in their diet… they even made them for their families.

Besides being delicious, they are so good for you. According to Megan Ware RDN LD of Medical News Today, “Consuming one cup of Brussels sprouts will provide 195% of vitamin K, 125% of vitamin C, and 10% or more of vitamin A, vitamin B-6, folate, potassium and manganese needs for the day”

Excited yet?

Here is what you need:

4 cups Brussels Sprouts (chopped//shredded)

A pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt

A pinch of Black Pepper

A drizzle of Basting Oil (or olive oil) not a lot, you don’t want a puddle in you baking pan

1/2 tablespoon of organic butter

A sprinkling of brown sugar (more than a pinch, less than 1/4 a cup)

Crushed red pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

Put chopped sprouts in a baking pan. Sprinkle a pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt, black pepper and crushed red pepper on the Brussels Sprouts. Next drizzle the basting oil, be careful not to use too much (dad made that mistake once or twice…it resulted in Sprout Soup)  Place 1/2 tablespoon of butter in the center and sprinkle a thin coat of brown sugar on the surface.

Place in the oven for 45 minutes. Stir ever 15 minutes to ensure they are evenly cooked.

Personally I like mine on the crispier side. Momma likes them a little greener… it’s just personal preference.

Give my Ballin Brussels Sprouts a try and let me know what you think!! Don’t forget to add TPB on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook!




6 responses to “Ballin’ Brussels Sprouts”

  1. Karen conicelli Avatar
    Karen conicelli

    I love Brussel sprouts and cannot wait to try this recipe! Mwah

    1. Avatar

      Im so glad!! Let me know what you think!!

  2. Cara Avatar

    Cannot wait to try this!

    1. Avatar

      It is definitely one of my favorites!!

  3. Krista Avatar

    This sounds great…I’ll be sure to try it! BTW love your serving dish…where’s it from?

    1. Avatar

      Hey Krista!!

      It’s from target! We have had it for a while. I absolutely LOVE it.



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