It is no secret I loveeeeee my kale smoothies. If you are new to TPB, my FAV is my Berry Blemish Blaster. Three weeks ago I decided I wanted to sneak more veggies into my diet. I know I couldn’t possibly eat anymore than I already am so I started looking into greens powders. This was a project…let me tell you. I am someone who craves veggies and actually enjoys them, greens powder however taste like wet grass. Most are too disgusting to even chug-a-lug and leave the worst possible aftertaste. Thanks but no thanks.
I recently ordered a powder from Australia (Morlife) and I am so obsessed. The greens powder has an alkalizing effect on the body which is so so so important for maintaining a health pH. If you aren’t aware, your bodies optimum pH is slightly alkaline…7 is neutral and our body needs to be around 7.35-7.45. Nurses will tell you that anything outside of that range, even slightly, can be fatal. Foods that are acidic include meats, dairy and sugar while foods that are more alkaline are fruits and veggies. I cant stress enough the importance of eating alkaline foods people.
One super easy way to balance out your diet is a greens powder. The brand I use has five servings of fruits and veggies in every tablespoon…FIVE. I love starting my day with a tablespoon in 8oz of water. I know that my body is going to disperse all the nutrients really fast on an empty stomach especially since there is a build up of stomach acid at night when we sleep. If I had a more indulgent day or if I am feeling sluggish I will double up on my powder because it is such an EASY way to fill up your body with nutrients. For example, I was VERYYYYY sick on Saturday…that story deserves its own vlog…anyway yesterday I did two scoops of greens on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and had a third scoop mid afternoon.
Okay so know that you know all the benefits let’s talk about what you are wondering… how awful does it taste. On a Yum Scale I would give it a 5. It isn’t the most delicious thing in the world but it also isn’t gross and there is ZERO aftertaste. I wouldn’t drink it to quench my thirst. But I don’t dread it or struggle to drink it. Honestly it is the only one I tried that I think is even worth drinking. I have tried half a dozen from Wegmans and Whole Foods and they were a total waste of money…one sip and I was throwing them out. If you know any American brands that don’t taste like booty let me know kay?
Have a bomb Monday folks…ewww Im far too young to use that word. Whatever.
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