I have the world’s biggest sweet tooth. I mean it. I love all things sugar…like icing from the jar with a spoon type of sweet tooth. Candy, cookies, cakes…love them all.
Listen, I try to fill my body with the best + highest quality ingredients. I eat my veggies, protein + carbs but at the end of the day, I need a little something special you know? Balance.
One beautiful morning, my friend Gab surprised me with a treat… gluten + dairy-free rice Krispy treat. Since that day my life hasn’t been the same. I went right to Whole Foods and got the goods.
These are super easy. Literally, my dog could make them. You can bet your bottom dollar I will be whipping these up for every minor holiday. Tomorrow (November 12) is National French Dip Day which clearly is the perfect occasion for rice Krispies.
Here is what you need:
- One bag Dandies All Natural Marshmallows
- 4/5 cups of brown rice cereal
- 2 tablespoons vegan butter
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- splash of vanilla
I put the coconut oil + vegan butter in a big pot to melt. Then I added in the bag of marshmallows + a dash of vanilla extract and stirred until it was all a beautiful melted mess. Next, I added in the brown rice Krispies. I mixed them both together and now we have the best of both worlds.
Now the recipe calls for 5 cups of Krispies but I like mine gooey so I did 4.5 ish cups and let me tell you I was NOT disappointed.
They are gooey. They are sweet. They are delicious and won’t give me a gluten rash!!!!! What is not to love!!!!!!
SPRINT don’t walk to get your hands on the ingredients, you guys. I promise you will love them.
Make good choices, Look both ways!
I love you the most!!
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