Snapchat Recap: June//July

Happy Monday and 4th of July!! I know it has been awhile… a week… since my last post but I PROMISE I have been working on a lot of super super SUPER exciting things. I am trying some new health and wellness products and new pilates based workouts to bring you the best information possible. Research along with trial and error take time so in about a month or so I will be able to give you a TON of information on some changes I’m making.

If you follow me on snapchat you know I have been out of town for most of last week. I went to Long Island for my youngest brothers lacrosse tournament…this is his last summer of travel and I will actually miss the long, sweaty days of back to back games.

Here is you Snap Recap for the last week! Long car rides, lacrosse games, paddle boarding and some fun. Follow on snap (Katie_Dudley to keep up with the crazy! Have a happy and safe 4th of July!! 


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