Kill ’em With Kindness

Morning Dolls! This morning’s post was inspired by a conversation I had with a group of babes before spin last night. Have you every noticed the weird competition between all girls? Like every girl on the planet is fighting for the same job//car//maxi dress//boy…when in reality we are just walking down the same aisle of Wegmans.

Here is the thing…the whole ‘competition’ nonsense breeds negativity and creates Mean Girls. Somehow we created this dynamic where it is okay to hate other woman just because we are…jealous?

On my drive home from the gym I was thinking about all my closest relationships. All of my friends are have very strong personalities…and that is how I like it. Because they know their self worth they don’t feel the need to talk negatively about others. I love that. We build each other up…while still being authentic (If your friend doesn’t look good in a dress, you need to tell her, but kindly).

How you make others feel about themselves is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. 

When you are too worried about being the prettiest, the thinest, the richest, or the funniest girl in the room you are too preoccupied to be the kindest. Take a second to think about how people describe you to others…what is the first thing they would say about you? How do you describe people?

I realized when I had people in my life who liked to laugh about other in the corner of the room that I cant be around people like that. I am happy to say that the people I surround myself are supportive, kind and up lifting. When you find people like that cherish them! Do me a favor and text the kindest person you know and tell them how much you appreciate them. I know it will make their day.

Sorry for the short post! I have a jam packed schedule today. I am currently packing for a quick weekend trip to Vermont, then I have work followed by a girls night with my friend Jill. We are installing a barre//mirrors in her room so she can have a mini studio while she is at school. Im vlogging the next three-ish days so expect two new videos!!




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