How to WHITEN Your Teeth In $10 (or less)

Happy Friday Babes!!

White teeth are VERY important to me. In high school I had very expensive professional teeth whitening for my birthday. The result was beautiful on the surface but it RUINED my teeth. Now they are insanely sensitive…you know how it can hurt to eat ice cream? I still, eight years later, get random bursts of what I call ‘Ice-cream Pain’ at the strangest times. Another strange side effect, I can’t go from eating cold foods to warm foods with out pain…a decadent chocolate cake with a side of ice cream…. it causes my physical pain to eat the perfect combination.


I have been seeing at least four Insta pictures a day promoting whitening products. Mainly kits with a blue light or charcoal for $30. Ditch the professional in office ‘permanent’ whiten systems because I have been there done that and completely ruined my tooth enamel. Please for the love of God DO NOT spend more than $10 MAX.

Charcoal is the BEST, safest, easiest and cheapest way to ensure your smile shines bright like a diamond. You do not need to buy a kit from an insta-model either… capsules from amazon or your local pharmacy will do the job. I use this brand but this one will work too.

So you have the capsules what’s next? Wet your toothbrush and open the cap to pour the charcoal right on your brush ( I highly recommend using a soft bristle toothbrush since you will be brushing your teeth twice)

Brush Brush Brush those soon-to-be pearly whites. After your teeth are covered and look like a poorly executed Halloween costume, brush with your favorite toothpaste. It will take a few minutes longer than your normal routine but the results are INSTANT. I try and use the charcoal once a day…always at night (incase I miss a spot).

WARNING: This is a messy process. It is easily wiped up with a wash cloth or paper towel…It takes maybe 4 seconds to clean up.

You cannot go wrong with is secret whitening method. Trust me.



PS: Boy do I have some exciting things coming up!! I have a few meetings coming up that are MAJOR. I mean really major. I cannot wait to share them with you!!

Also I will be teaching Pilates the next two Mondays. Please come get your Pilates fix with me HERE.

I hope to see you there!!


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