HIIT Week One

HELLO 2018!!!

Okay, part of my new year, better me mission is to give you FREE workouts. I have been doing High Intensity Interval Training  or HIIT consistently for about two months and GIRL the results are REAL. Essentially you work (and sweat) you booty off for a little and then rest. Sounds good right? Okay.. so it’s a little harder than I’m letting on but trust me you NEED to add these workouts into your routine. Ideally 3-4 times a week. It won’t take long (thank god) but you will feel it right away!

First, I need you to download the Seconds App. Easy.


Then set up a timer that looks like this:



Essentially is six rounds of work with five seconds (for transitioning) in between. Each round in 4 minutes and 55 seconds… THATS IT. Then you repeat the workout two more times.


Are you ready for Week One?

Of course you are!!

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Burpies
  • Plank
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Jump rope
  • Jump Squats

45 seconds of each. Three times through. Three times a week. That is all you need…trust me. Try it and tag me in your sweaty selfie on Instagram!!




4 responses to “HIIT Week One”

  1. […] I have been living for HIIT lately. This week I am stepping it up a little (a lot) with our workouts. As always MODIFY if needed. To set up your timer check out Week One. […]

  2. […] HIIT IS A BOOTY KILLER. Set up your timer just like we did Week One. If you need a refresher click HERE. Remember this is 15 minutes of work for fat burning benefits up to 48 hours. Do this three times […]

  3. […] you are new to HIIT welcome!!! Set up your timer like we did in WEEK 1. Compete this circuit in three rounds resting about a minute in between. Do as much as you possibly […]

  4. […] To see how to set up your timer, go to Week One or click HERE. […]

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