HIIT Week Two


I have been living for HIIT lately. This week I am stepping it up a little (a lot) with our workouts. As always MODIFY if needed. To set up your timer check out Week One.

This weeks workout is:

180 Squat Jumps: starting with your feet hip distance apart squat deep and jump landing facing the opposite direction. Modifications: Jump squats. Traditional squat. Sumo squat.

Plank Toe Taps: Starting in a traditional plank position drive knee into chest tapping the toes with the opposite hand. Repeat. Modification: Plank position on knees lifting left knee to meet left elbow. Repeat on the right.

Mountain Climber Burpies: Start standing. Place hands on floor and jump feet back to a plank position. Drive one knee in to your chest at a time. Jump both feet in towards your hands. Jump up to standing. REPEAT. Modification: Place hands on the floor. Walk feet back to a plank. Walk feet in towards your hands. Stand up. Repeat

High Knees: Standing, bring one knee in towards your chest and switch as quickly as possible. Repeat. Modification: Slow the movement down

Walk Outs: Standing round through your spine to place hands on the floor. Walk hands out to a plank, hold for 1-5 seconds. Walk hands back toward your toes. Stand. Repeat.

Leg Lower/Lifts into Reverse Crunch: Laying on the mat lengthen legs toward the ceiling heels together toes apart. Lower your legs SLOWLY towards the mat to where your abs are working but NOT your back slowly lift legs towards the ceiling. When you reach 90 degrees, boost your booty off the ground by engaging your lower abs.

As always AIM for three rounds (but celebrate yourself if you can do one or two) three days this week! 15 minutes of work for the day and you are DONE. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Don’t forget to tag me in your sweaty selfie on Insta!





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