BODY by The Pilates Blonde

BODY by The Pilates Blonde.

BODY is an eight week program designed to help you achieve the healthiest version of you. We start with an evaluation consisting of simple compound movements to see your strengths and to see where there are the greatest opportunities for growth. We will measure progress is based on improvement of FITNESS LEVEL. We will be aiming to improve in the evaluation while analyzing progress pictures, measurements and lastly the scale.

Each week you will receive three follow along at home workout videos. One will always be High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) style cardio…these will be short. 15-20 minutes max. The other two workouts will vary. They may be focused on a particular muscle group. Others may be total body. The length of the two other videos will vary to give you a variety and options to fit your schedule.

In addition to the workout videos, I will be posting four lifting workouts each week. You will get to see EXACTLY what I am doing in the gym on a daily basis. This is for those of you who already have an existing gym membership and need ideas and accountability to get to the gym.

I will be hosting weekly video chat meetings… either via Zoom or Facebook live… based on whats easiest for the group. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get direct answers in real time. Plus you get to connect with other members who may be having the same struggle as you.

My goals is to create a community striving to become the healthiest and happiest version of themselves. We will share our successes and struggles. We will motivate and challenge each other to be better each week.

You’re $100 payment gives you access to EVERYTHING listed above, eight weeks of workouts, endless support, accountability, motivation and progress!!

Send an email to to get your spot in the group!!

Payment can be mail in via check (address given via email) or made directly via VENMO thepilatesblonde

GET EXCITED BABES!!! I cant wait to work with you!!

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