HOW TO: Create a Positive Mindset // Learn from the Negative

hey queenie

Good morning!!! If you follow along with my life, you will know that I try my hardest to live positively. Let me be the first to tell you, I wasn’t always Positive Polly. I faked it well, but ya girl was negative. Do you know what happens to people with negative energy? More negativity is attracted to them.


In the same breath, positivity attracts positivity. I MEAN IT. Hi, so my life is the perfect example. I mean I work for TORI and JESS. Do you know anyone more positive than them? I don’t.

How do you go from Negative Nancy to Positive Polly?


Refocus your thoughts.

I have to be up early turns to I get to wake up early.

I have to pay rent = I have a place to live.

I have to go to the gym = I’m healthy enough to move my body

You get it. Lately, I have started my day with two things that have really impacted my life. First, I open my PocketFuel app and ready a daily devotional. It’s my way to connect with my faith and set my perspective for the day. Then, I practice a few minutes of gratitude. I just let my thoughts travel to all the things I am thankful for. For example, the cozy blanket Im under was a gift from a family I nannied for. They took me to the their beach house. I am thankful for the memories I have with them and the honor of watching their children grow up for the last five year. DONE.

Easy. Right?

I truly believe things happen for you not to you. My arthritis + lupus happened for me, not to me. I needed to learn humility, pain, and heartbreak. I found my voice and my strength. These are GIFTS. (Thank you Jesus)

Okay but Katie the SAME negative situation keeps happening to me. Like sis what do I do?

Learn. Make changes to your approach. Modify your behavior and//or mindset until you get the positive outcome you want. The universe or God or whatever you believe in, is challenging you to teach you something.

We only grow, change and adapt from taking negativity and making it positive.


Do you learn more from wins or losses?

Do you honestly analyze your wins (successes) has much as you replay your losses (failures)? I definitely didn’t (until recently).

What I am trying to articulate is there is positivity in EVERY situation. There is a reason for everything. You just have to find it.

Okay Queens… go CRUSH your day. Find the positive in everything.





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