I feel like this is something I have been wanting to address for SOOOOO long and I finally feel like I have the adequate words to do so. No one is graduating college making six figures in a corner office…PS if you are 20-something and think you have ‘earned’ it, Im sorry to inform you that’s not how the world operates. Rent and the cost of living in general (in my area) is sky high so how do you make life work?
You need to hustle. By ‘hustle’ I don’t mean hustle doing anything illegal, here at TPB we like to live a low risk life style. I mean get a side job or two that pay a little extra. I mentioned a time or twenty that I took every babysitting job I could get my hands on when I was launching TPB. Well, to be honest, I still jump at every opportunity I can. I love doing date night and over night babysitting…actually this is the first time in my entire life where my main source of income doesn’t involve kids (and it is a HARD adjustment for me…I love all the babies).
Find something you enjoy (for me it is babysitting) and create a side hustle…but make sure it is something you are actually good at. I have also dog sat, house sat, organized closets and basements all on the side of my typical job.
Friends of mine have taught private lessons for the sport they played in college…working on drills and skills with middle school and high school players. You could offer tutoring or essay editing services. Or shovel your neighbors drive way after a snow storm. Making a little extra cash on the side is EASY.
When I was in high school I babysat at least 3 days a week if not more. I had developed a good reputation and advertised on Facebook. Once, I was at a middle school play watching a handful of kids I babysat preform. A mom saw me and literally ran to introduce herself because she had been ‘dying’ to get my number. Somehow I learned, at 15, the power of social media. I would order boxes of crafts for dirt cheap online, and post about them when they were delivered.
‘Holiday Crafts are in. Officially booking November and December dates… spots are limited.’
Three hours later, I was booked solid. Im not even kidding. The following two years I was even smarter… I posted that I was hosting a babysitting party.
What is that you ask? I charged $20 per child from 5pm-11pm. Parents could go to a holiday party, or bang out some serious shopping or wrap gifts while their kids came to my house to play games, do crafts and watch movies. (My favorite part was pin the ornament on the Christmas Tree.)
Of course, you don’t need to be as crazy as I was//am about it. Even a small effort could turn into a big reward. Do I have to remind you Kim Kardashian started out organizing people closets and selling their old stuff on Ebay? Now she worth $51 million…all because she knows how to hustle. Regardless of how much you keep up with all things Kardashian, you have to give them credit for creating a brand out of nothing. I total idolize their hustler ways.
NEXT WEEK is a MAJOR. I am getting CoolScultping done on my belly (!!!) and I am so so so excited. I have a post written with general information BUT I would love to answer YOUR questions about it. I promise a lot of info will be coming your way in the next couple of days but I wanted to answer some questions right from the start. I will also be vlogging my entire experience. I hope you are just as excited as I am!!!
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