Oh my gosh…I missed you guys! Yes, I loved being on vacation but I hated feeling disconnected from you. My pictures and videos wouldn’t upload because the wifi in the house was less than stellar. Sooooo I used the time I blocked out in the day for blogging to write you guys posts so there would be plenty now that I’m home. Im currently laid up in bed with the most intense spasm in my neck…we had some insane turbulence flying home yesterday and I was super tense the entire flight.
Anyway, I feel like you need a recipe and I cant believe I haven’t shared this one with you yet. Before, I get into the cooking let’s talk about why asparagus needs to be in a staple in your diet. According to Eating Well, asparagus is a very good source of fiber, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. I mean HELLO…you need to be eating asparagus. I eat it six ( maybe seven ) days a week. I LOVE IT. Asparagus also has some major detoxing and diuretic effects…what more could you want?
So what do you need?
Asparagus (duh )
Purple onion
Basting Oil
himalayan pink salt
Are you ready for the prettiest and most delish dish ever? Okay so chop up your asparagus into equal sized pieces…I like mine about an inch…and throw them in a pan. Next chop up your onion and add in with the asparagus. Drizzle on some basting oil and turn your stove on medium heat. Add your salt and peppa to taste. Stir that bad boy around to mix in all the flavors.
Have a dance party or catch up on the Real Housewives or read my other posts while occasionally stirring. When you can leave an indent in a few pieces of asparagus you can add your garlic to taste. Keep your masterpiece on the heat for other two-ish minutes. Then you are all set to eat it!!
I am telling you veggies have never tasted so good! I sometimes have this as an entire meal.
PS: Yes those super chic pink glasses are onion goggles…yes, I actually wear them and they do in fact work.
Try it and tell me what you think!!
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