This is a little something different from my typical TPB posts but it is F U N. In the past week I have helped several girlfriends create Bumble accounts. If you didn’t know, I swiped right on my total babe of a boyfriend a little over a year ago. Online dating is rough but let me tell you having a good profile attracts the right guys.
How to attract the BABE.
Online dating is 100% superficial. Your profile is everything. And while the bio is important, your picture selection is VITAL. Six snap shots of your life are your entire impression. So how do you pick the right pictures?? Make sure you are choosing photos that are authentically you. The first one should always be of your gorgeous face… no group pictures please. No one wants to guess who they are talking to. I also think the first picture should be a genuine smile with N O snapchat filter.
The rest of the pictures are a showcase of your life. If I was single and mingling, here is what I would choose:
The order is important… don’t use six selfies. Two are sufficient. Use the other four to showcase your hobbies, family, friends, or your pup (everyone loves a pup). Make sure to have at least one full body shot.
Make your bio short and unique. Saying you like food and music is like saying you have a face and eyeballs. Have fun with it. Include your real hobbies…watching Planet Blue in your underwear seven days a week doesn’t make you an adventurer with a love of the outdoors.
On Bumble, the girl has to talk first. Unlike Tinder, your inbox wont be filled with creepy pick up lines. In my opinion it gives you more freedom to swipe because you know he can’t talk unless you do. However, you only have 24 hours to slide into their inbox so move quickly. Confession: I didn’t message Boyfriend first…he extended our connection so I would take the hint. Thank god it worked. You don’t have to have the worlds most creative pick up line if that’s not your style. Just be yourself. No pressure. Say hi.
The best part about online dating? They are looking at the hottest version of you while you could be in a face mask in bed with greasy hair. It’s the best. While there are super amazing guys swiping away, there are also total d bags. Let me know your WORST online dating experience. Maybe I will expose all the screen shots from my tinder days.
Happy Swiping
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