Cardio for maintaining muscle mass

Cardio. It’s 110% required if you want to be a well rounded athlete or if you just would like to have a healthy heart. Listen, I have a less than stellar relationship with cardio. Honestly, I totally hate (most) cardio.
My issue with cardio is, if done to often or for too long, burns MUSCLE not fat.
I sincerely hope that wasn’t earth shattering for you. If it was, I’m so sorry but the good news is you don’t have to spend hours running or on the stair master. You’re welcome.


If you start burning muscle…you are slowing your metabolism and burning LESS calories at rest. Gross. So counter productive and I know you don’t have time for that. Plus gaining muscle is H A R D and you want to keep what you worked hard for.
“So Katie, how do you burn fat and keep muscle?”
GIRL IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. Shorter cardio sessions with higher intensity. Personally, I do HIIT, rhythmic cycle classes and the stair master. All three have a focus on sculpting the booty and legs while increasing the heart rate. WIN WIN.
HIIT is essentially the FREE workouts I post for you. I hit the biggest muscle groups with compound movements traditionally used for strength building. When done in a circuit, at a fast tempo it’s cardio. SIGN ME UP
Rhythmic Cycle is BOMB because you can drop it low like your a shot girl at the club. It’s typically 45 minutes which is the LONGEST amount of time I will do cardio. Like HIIT, your instructor tricks you into doing intervals of climbs and sprints with Cardi B blasting through you soul.
Last, and purposely  least, the stupid effing stair master. I max out at 25 minutes. I hate it. It’s the worst. BUT it works your BUTT. It make it tolerable I do sprints. I will pick a goal. Example: 150 flights in 25 minutes. That equals about 6 flights a minute. It sucks but the time flies.
If you follow me on Insta you have probably seen a story or 30493 of me on the stair master. My goal is to complete 25 minutes 5 times a week until my 25th birthday. I hate to admit it, but GIRL it is making me shed F A T. Try it with me. Let me know how many flights your getting in 25 minutes. Lets challenge each other.
Okay, I have to go workout.
I love you


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