Category: Backbone to The Blonde

  • It’s Like 2016 Katie… Only BETTER. The Lashes are BACK

    It’s Like 2016 Katie… Only BETTER. The Lashes are BACK

    2016 Katie is BACK.

    The lashes are on…the tan is developed…the hair is icy.

    Today we need to dive head first into the world of L A S H E S. I missed them so dang much. I consider myself a lash expert since I had them for over two years. I was counting down the seconds to feel like myself again.

    This morning I made my way to meet my friend and fellow stRIDE instructor, Gab at her little slice of heaven. I arrived at the Adolf Biecker Spa/Salon at 9:46am after teaching my 830 Fitness Pilates class at Lifetime in King of Prussia.

    I used the restroom that smelled like the Main Line…expensive and chic. Gab met me at the front desk and walked me down to the spa. I filled out paper work with a host of questions ensuring she and I were on the same page.

    When I was finished, Gab walked me back to a room where I met Kate (Insta: waxitwithkate). Gab + Kate were my lash dream team. They asked me my vision for my lashes… guys it’s so important to set expectations, for you and the stylist. I told them like the look of Ardell Wispies… classic and pretty.

    I settled down on a heated table with a pillow under my knees and the coziest blanket over me. Gab rubbed my scalp and had me inhale lavender essential oil to help me relax. She then placed patches infused with green tea + collagen (!!!) under my eyes to hold my lower lashes down. After taping the patches in place she and Kate worked their magic.

    The entire experience lasted less than 2 hours. It’s completely painless…you don’t feel a thing.  Take your finger and rub it against the ends of your lashes… THAT’S IT.

    The hardest part for me is the light… ya girl has sensitive eyes so I got a little teary.

    Gab uses Lashe. Honestly, they are the LIGHTEST lashes I have ever had. It doesn’t feel like I have ANYTHING on my lashes. It’s weightless. So what makes Lashe different? The adhesive and technique.

    “…The basic element of the technique is that you use a minimal amount of adhesive due to its concentrated formula. The extension is only wet at its base, up to 25% of its overall length. No “painting” of the lash with the adhesive. A major advantage of our technique is that, if you attach the extension properly (per our instructions) and the client does not have oily skin or uses oil-based products, the extension will stay on until the eyelash sheds naturally.” (

    So what does that mean? Your lashes get to breathe… meaning no damage. HOLLA AT YA GIRL. This adhesive also lasts longer than most traditional ‘glue’

    WARNING: Ask about the adhesive the stylist uses… I learned some use WEAVE GLUE. On your EYE. Thank you, NEXT. (More on this in you get what you pay for)

    If you aren’t local (greater Philadelphia area) I highly recommend clicking HERE to find a Lashe stylist near you.

    Let’s talk dirty details

    Request a consult with the lash stylist if they don’t require it ( Gab requires a consult ). This is where you set expectations, talk through the process and ask all your questions. Be sure to ask about their education, certification and how long they have been in the field. THIS IS IMPORTANT. I tell you guys all the time if you are hiring a professional, ASK for credentials. Also, ask how they sanitize their equipment. Adolf Biecker Spa/Salon uses medical grade sanitation. (HECK YES)

    Lashes aren’t cheap. A full set is an investment… after that it is reasonable (I swear). Price varies from place to place. It also depends on the experience of the stylist and the type of lash they use. Do you really want to cut corners when someone has adhesive near your eyeballs??? (Hint: No.)

    A full set takes up to two hours…maybe longer if you have a lot of natural lashes. Your stylist will be able to tell how long it will take during your consult.

    How long they last between refills depends on a few things, the type of lash, the adhesive and how you care for them all play a roll. If you are a rule follower like me (teachers pet over here for SURE) and use a Lashe stylist you will need a refill once a month. When I had a different brand of lashes I needed refills every two weeks.

    After care is EASY. You can’t get them wet for 24 hours…meaning no shower, workout or steam room. EASY. Brush them and use oil free products. Try not to sleep on them too much… I tuck my pillow under so my eyes aren’t touching but my neck is supported.

    Keep oil away from lashes… ALWAYS use an oil free makeup remover near your extensions. I wear a hat when I workout to catch the sweat to avoid getting it near my lashes.

    THAT’S IT. Don’t forget to follow Gab + Kate on socials!!




  • Growing out my Brows: A Memoire


    So im exposing myself in the biggest way… I mean just LOOK at my brows circa 2011. On a blustery day my one-hair-thick brows were literally Gone With the Wind. I CANT.

    I realized my over-tweezing ways needed to stop pronto once meeting with an Anastasia Beverly Hills esthetician. She flat out told me to throw out my tweezers because I clearly couldn’t be trusted. She also told me that I was going to need the Brow Enhancing Advanced Serum in order to fix my face. I was skeptical at first but let me tell you, that stuff is MAGIC. If you need to grow out your brows the serum is essential…I picked it up for the grandmother of the kids I babysat. That is how much I believe in it. I used to use it twice a day, once in the morning before my makeup and once before bed. PURE MAGIC.

    The process of growing out my brows was a STRUGGLE. I was a chronic over tweezer and the unruliness was tourture. For about six months I got my brows waxed once a month to help shape them as they were growing in.

    I have used the ABH Brow Kit and filled in my shape every single day since like…. 2012. There is nothing that compares. If you don’t want to dive in and get the full kit I would start with the Brow Wiz. I buy two at a time when they have my color because it is a TOP seller. I also use the powder (duh) that came with my kit… but if I had to pick just one I would go with the Brow Wiz.

    If you don’t want to get the full kit here is what you need:

    As for getting my brows shaped, now I only get them done every six-nine months. I usually keep up with them by tweezing the stray hairs every week or two (always in the car… it has the BEST lighting for tweezing). I always get my brows done at the King of Prussia Nordstrom where ABH has a salon.

    Warning: compared to a wax at your local nail salon, it is a little pricey…$30 for a wax. BUT now I only go twice a year (if that).

    Honestly, I really think brows are the foundation to shaping your face. You can have the sharpest contour but if your brows are jacked it is all for nothing. Trust me and grow out your brows and have an ABH girl reshape them… you will DIE.

    Are you in the King of Prussia area? Im about to do the dirty work for you. Call the number below and ask for the brow bar. You’re welcome.

    Nordstrom: 610.265.6111

    Please if you have any brow horror stories and//or pictures PLEASE send them to me. I showed you mine…it’s only fair!!


  • Backbone to The Blonde: Lash Extensions

    Ladies… I am super excited for today’s post because what girl doesn’t love long, luscious lashes? I get asked about my extensions all the time so I figured it was time to put it all down for you in white and gold. Grab your favorite mug and fill it to the brim with your Starbucks!! Let’s get into it!

    Before I made the life changing decision to get extensions I was using false lash strips every single day. Which also meant I was doing a full face of makeup every single day. I would spend 10-30 minutes just on my face in the morning…which honestly is just ridiculous because 3 hours later I would be sweating it all off while playing outside with the boys I babysit or at in a TRX class. Also…picture me in a full face of makeup and a sweatshirt (examples below)….ridiculous.

    My best friend Emily started getting her lashes done and they looked absolutely incredible. She tried to talk me into them for MONTHS before I gave in. Honestly, looking back I could kick myself for not getting them sooner. On a chilly December night, a few days before my family and I were headed to Florida for NYE, I made the appointment to get the lashes of my dreams.

    Why did I decided to get the extensions…well for starters I wanted them. Second of all this was around the time I decided I was going to be a blogger, which meant it was time to start trying things out of my comfort zone to write about. Little did I know how much easier my life was going to be once I got them. I wake up with long, full lashes without even touching any makeup. I never even bother to wear make up anymore…the lashes are just enough (makeup//filter free pictures below). Extensions look far more natural and are MUCH more comfortable. Strips can be itchy or the glue can become irritating to your skin. Even someone who wares lashes consistently, like I used to, can still have days where they just wont go on properly. It can be a TOTAL headache.

    The process of getting them put on is something I find soothing. First time it was totally strange…but not unpleasant by any means. Your bottom lashes are held down by eye pads, which can feel weird at first but it doesn’t bother me at all now. The very first set you get takes a while. If you have a highly qualified lash tech she will examine your natural lashes to see the right length and thickness that will work best for you. My first set took just under two hours but Carol, my lash goddess, is meticulous. She is truly an artist. I know four babes who go to her and all of our lashes look totally different because she customizes them to our faces.

    How are the extensions attached? Carol uses special tweezers to separate out one of my natural lashes. Then she dips a single lash extension in glue and places it on to the lash. She repeats the process until I am totally glam. Honestly you barely even feel it…similar to when someone plays with the end of your hair.

    The maintenance for the lashes is sooooooo easy. Don’t get them wet for the first day. After that, just make sure you use oil free make up remover around your eyes and brush them everyday. Seriously that’s it. Then in two weeks you go back for a refill. My appointments usually take 45—50 minutes depending on how my lashes cycled (lashes go threw growth cycles so at times you naturally have fewer lashes). The cost of the service varies at different salons but know that you don’t want anything super cheap being glued near your eye…do your research before you select a salon.

    If you are looking for a referral I go to Beautiful You by Christine…ask for Carol and please tell her I sent you. If you have anyyy questions leave me a love note in the comment section!!



  • Backbone to The Blonde: The Logo

    Yesterday’s post was heavy. I took a lot out of me to go back to that time in my life. I would like to thank all of you for your support. The emails, comments and messages I have gotten give me the strength to share that level of myself with you. Thank you for opening up to me about your own hardships…That is what TPB is all about. Today, I give you guys something a little more light hearted.

    I am sitting at my desk with a gorgeous painting of my logo hanging over my desk and it feels necessary to do another installment of Backbone to The Blonde. Today’s is a two-for-one special because I can’t talk about the painting without first talking about the actual logo.

    You probably already know I have an extreme obsession with the girls at Silverbox Creative Studio. I mean how could I not? What is better than two passionate friends teaming up to bring peoples vision to life; whether it be a photograph, an invitation or an entire brand. Working with them was like living through the most wonderful dream. I keep feeling the need to pinch myself.

    I have worked with both Corinne and Susan a number of times as there is no better place to go for our Christmas cards every year. Their work is second to none. Somehow they raise the bar every single year with our cards. I mean last year we had a couch in the middle of the woods with champagne and I was wearing a floor length gown…it was pure magic. Their work is both flawless and timeless. I don’t think we could (or would) work with anyone else.

    Before I get into the painting I should mention the fate that introduced me to both Corinne (my gifted photographer) and Renea (my blessed artist). Years ago at a tiny Elementary school, five boys became the best of friends. These boys, The Skippack Five, just so happened to have some amazing parents who all became very close friends as a result of the kids friendships. The Five all just graduated high school and had a combine graduation party because over the years our families have all grown into one. My little brother and his goofy group of friends created this insane, loving, over-the-top family that we all cherish. Pretty amazing right? Thanks to them, I had the opportunity to work with some of the most talented people I have ever met.

    Okay, now lets talk about my most prized possession; the painting my dear friend Miss Renea did of my logo. Waking up in the morning to see my dream on a canvas over my desk is surreal. What is more motivating than having your goal right in front of you in pink and gold? Nothing. I look at this piece of art everyday and become inspired to push myself. It makes me want to do bigger and better than the day before. Waking up to it has pushed me to knock down more doors to see where this blog can take me. This painting means the world to me because it was put together by a combination of hard work and love from some of the greatest people I have ever had the privilege of knowing.

