Category: Bites

  • Easy-Peasy Cauliflower

    Easy-Peasy Cauliflower

    You asked for recipes, you are getting recipes.

    On Sundays, I cook. It’s the one day a week I have off and I love to spend the afternoon in the kitchen listening to music, dancing around and writing a blog post while I stir.

    I typically make all my protein + two days worth of veggies. Full disclosure, I hate prepped veggies but can tolerate them if they are only two days old.

    Cauliflower is a staple in my diet + a fan favorite in my house. Honestly, I feel like cauliflower is FINALLY getting the attention she deserves. She is delicious. She is versatile. She is a hit at parties. Huge cauliflower girl over here.

    I preheated the oven to roast on 375. I like my cauliflower roasted to a crisp. I love a little blacked edges. Maybe set off the fire alarm once or twice for good measure.

    While the oven is warming I cut each ‘tree’ into slices…I make mine thin to ensure the crispy pieces. Embrace the mess…It’s part of the fun.

    Then I spread them on a baking sheet. Fun Fact: This one is a family treasure from my Great Aunt Helen so I love to include her.

    I drizzle with Wegmans basting oil (which is so dang delish It should be illegal), pink salt + pepper.

    I pop the tray in the oven and wait for them to cook (and slightly burn) to my liking. SO GOOD.

    Then my least favorite part of the day… clean up.

    What’s your favorite way to make cauliflower… I’m always looking to spice things up!!

    Make good choices, Look both ways! Love you the most



    Changing my mindset changed my L I F E. Today, Im sharing with you the biggest, mind-blowing moment that changed the entire way I approach diet. I telling you, it will change the way you think about food to!!

    Please like and subscribe!!


  • TPB Five Minute Salad

    Hey Ladies!

    So tonight I was on my own for dinner and I remembered one of my FAVORITE salads that is so easy to make and it is SO refreshing. I wanted something light and flavorful that didn’t take long to make or clean up. I hate trying to enjoy my dinner while looking at a pile of pots and pans that are waiting for me.

    I opened my fridge to examine my options. As always I started with the veggie drawers. I found a bunch of lettuce that only had a day or two left at peak freshness so I knew that was going to be the winner.

    This salad is hot… not in a Paris Hilton ‘That’s Hot’ kind of way. It’s literally a warm salad. I know how weird it sounds but trust me it is the bomb dot com.

    I cut the lettuce in bite sized pieces, washed them and threw them in a pan. Remember, it will cook down so use a generous amount. For just myself I used one and a half heads.

    Next i drizzled on a little olive oil maybe a tablespoon and a half… to be honest, I’m not really a measurer. I taste as I cook and add the flavors I think are missing so keep that in mind. Please and thank you.

    I added a clove of garlic and the juice from about half of a lemon (the rest I put in my water).

    Next I turned the stove on medium heat and mixed the lettuce and ‘dressing’ around. Once the lettuce was warm but still crisp, I turned off the oven, filled a bowl withe the salad and sprinkled on a little cheese and pepper. Then I finally watched Bethenny and the other Real Housewives argue in evening wear.

    The salad took maybe five minutes to make from start to finish and it was soooooooo good. Seriously, if you are ever in a pinch for time give this one a try!



    ALSOOOO, if you didnt know, I am in my LAST semester of nursing school. The first two weeks are intense with 8 hour lectures followed by a HUGE exam… so it is an exorbitant amount of studying. The first tiny test I earned 100% on so I am off to a good start. In addition, my comment section of my blog is on FIRE… I’m talking 40-70ish comments a day (!!!!!) I am incredibly grateful but a little overwhelmed. I PROMISE I will get back to you. I am going to try and dedicate at least an hour a day while prepping for my exam, after the test I can give you the attention you deserve. Also, if the question//comment is specific or personal I will email you instead of making the response public especially if you are sharing your story with me…I think it is better that way. Thank you sooooo much for all the interaction I am LOVING it.

  • Veggie Sketti

    Can you believe it is Thursday already!?! I am so excited (per usual) to share this recipe with you! This is a major staple in my diet because it is quick and easy. I know you have 10 minutes to whip up a delish and healthy meal. Veggie Sketti is amazing. My family loves it and so do The Blondes. I made it for a Girl’s Night I was hosting and it was a hit.

    All you need:

    Wegmans precut veggie spaghetti (or you can slice up your own)

    – zucchini, squash, carrots, red pepper, red onion

    Basting oil

    Pink Salt


    Put your veggies in a pan on medium heat. Drizzle a little basting oil and add salt and pepper to taste. Stir for ten-ish minutes until all the veggies are cooked. Plate and devour!

    Seriously…it is that easy. NO excuses for a poor diet when you can make a meal faster than you can run to the drive through. Try and let me know what you think!!

