Category: Bites

  • My All in One Go-To Meal

    Hey Babes! I’m trying something a little different today. None of my pictures are crazy staged with alarms set for the perfect lighting in my kitchen… All of them were taken on my iPhone on snapchat. One thing I want to take out of my blog that I see in most of the ones I follow is the filter. Sometimes the overly perfect, never flawed pictures can be annoying. I am not perfect and I will never pretend to be. I want to keep it real and raw. TPB is a lifestyle blog and my life includes snapchat and Real Housewives. I do have a photographer or two I am working with because I want to give you high quality content along with pin-able pictures, but sometimes it’s nice to have a low-key and real view into what’s happening you know?

    Dad is traveling for work so Mom and I flipped a quarter for cooking and who was on carpool duty. As it was my turn to cook and I went with my go-to all in one meal. I came up with the recipe one night when I was home alone and starving. I had just finished a killer session at the gym and I wanted to eat everything. I wanted a meal with veggies, protein, carbs and fats and I wanted it all one easy to eat bowl. I grabbed a bunch of random ingredients and it happened to be amazing.

    What will you need?

    basting oil

    2 tablespoons of butter

    himalayan pink salt


    two onions

    Garlic (to taste…personally I like lot. 4ish cloves)

    2 pounds of organic ground turkey or chicken

    6 cups of brown or white rice

    2 bundles of asparagus

    2 tablespoons of butter

    I started with boiling water for the 3 bags of brown rice. (makes a total of 6 cups)

    Next I chopped up 2 bunches of organic asparagus and threw them in a none stick pan on medium to low heat with a splash of basting oil, himalayan pink salt, pepper and half and onion.

    Finally I took out two packages of Organic ground turkey meat and put that in a different (and much bigger) pan with all the same ingredients I used with the asparagus (basting oil, himalayan pink salt, pepper and half and onion.)

    While all three things were cooking I chopped an onion and placed it in a little pan on low heat with the butter another splash of basting oil, a pinch of pepper and a tiny bit of salt.

    After everything was finish cooking I put the rice and asparagus in with the chicken and mixed in the butter//basting oil combo. Lastly I added more pepper ( I love love love pepper) and a little pecorino romano cheese and some minced garlic.

    Simple and delicious. It makes a TON which is perfect because I am a huge fan of planning ahead especially for lunch the next day or two… if my brothers don’t eat it all before then. Try it out! Switch up the veggies to add your favorite and let me know what you think!

    PS it you want up to the second updates from TPB follow me on Snapchat: Katie_Dudley . I promise there will always always always be hints and sneak peaks!



  • Ballin’ Brussels Sprouts

    Choosing my first recipe to post was honestly a no brainer. The entire purpose of starting TPB was to take the yuck-factor out of a healthy lifestyle.

    I know, I know Brussels Sprouts have a bad reputation. But hear me out, if not prepared correctly any food tastes bad right?

    We fry, grill, and bake chicken. We add spices and seasoning. We let meat marinate over night to absorb flavor. Boiled chicken breasts and plain brown rice sound like a total snooze fest to me. The same thing goes for veggies.

    If you steam veggies in the microwave they aren’t going to be nearly as tasty. Im telling you, try this recipe…it is a game changer. The first time I made Sprouts for my roommates in college they were more than skeptical but it only took one taste for Brussels sprouts to become a staple in their diet… they even made them for their families.

    Besides being delicious, they are so good for you. According to Megan Ware RDN LD of Medical News Today, “Consuming one cup of Brussels sprouts will provide 195% of vitamin K, 125% of vitamin C, and 10% or more of vitamin A, vitamin B-6, folate, potassium and manganese needs for the day”

    Excited yet?

    Here is what you need:

    4 cups Brussels Sprouts (chopped//shredded)

    A pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt

    A pinch of Black Pepper

    A drizzle of Basting Oil (or olive oil) not a lot, you don’t want a puddle in you baking pan

    1/2 tablespoon of organic butter

    A sprinkling of brown sugar (more than a pinch, less than 1/4 a cup)

    Crushed red pepper to taste

    Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

    Put chopped sprouts in a baking pan. Sprinkle a pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt, black pepper and crushed red pepper on the Brussels Sprouts. Next drizzle the basting oil, be careful not to use too much (dad made that mistake once or twice…it resulted in Sprout Soup)  Place 1/2 tablespoon of butter in the center and sprinkle a thin coat of brown sugar on the surface.

    Place in the oven for 45 minutes. Stir ever 15 minutes to ensure they are evenly cooked.

    Personally I like mine on the crispier side. Momma likes them a little greener… it’s just personal preference.

    Give my Ballin Brussels Sprouts a try and let me know what you think!! Don’t forget to add TPB on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook!

