Category: CoolSculpting

  • CoolSculpting

    Okay guys this is it!!!!! My favorite post to date!!! Small disclaimer… This was typed and edited on my iPad…pictures and all. I’m having issues with my hard drive but I NEEDED to get this information to you. Please, if you have any questions try and let me know before  Tuesday as I will be back in the office and can give you answers directly from the professionals. The pictures are up close and personal…we are getting real and raw here on TPB. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

    I have been giving you teasers for MONTHS but it finally happened… I got CoolSculpting done!!!!!! I have been seeing advertisements for the procedure everywhere for the last few years. It wasn’t until one of my closest friends from nursing school (Love you AJC) mentioned the office she where works (Daniels Vein and Cosmetic Center) offers CoolSculpting did I reallllllyyyy consider it.

    Essentially it is an out patient fat-reduction procedure. A device is place on the problem area of choice (I did my belly) and the extra fat tissue is exposed to cold temperatures. The length of the treatment depends on the area and amount of fat cells…I did two hours on my upper abs and next week I’m doing three hours in my lower belly.

    CoolSculpting is for those of us who eat well, exercise and still have pockets of fat. This is the best (and only non-surgical) way to spot reduce fat cells. When you exercise, you can target muscles to build however you can’t pick and choose where you lose FAT…until now. I noticed when I take NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) I store more fat in my lower belly…and I thought there was nothing I could do to change it…enter CoolScultpting. Unlike diet and exercise which shrink or deflate fat cells, CoolScultping eliminates them. That’s right the fat cells are no longer there. Crazy right?

    The biggest question I have been asked: Is it safe? YES YES YES. As most of you (probably all of you) know, I have some pretty significant health issues. My biggest concern was is this safe for MY body. I did my research and talked to my doctors. CoolScultping is FDA-cleared and I feel totally comfortable using it on my body.

    Minutes after the treatment was over

    Okay okay that all sounds great, but what is the recovery time? I know if you have kids or a demanding schedule (I hear you girl) you don’t have time to be a couch tater…but no need to worry. There is no recovery time. Yep, you read that right ZERO down time. You can get back to your life as soon as the treatment is over. Can I get an AMEN!! After my first two hours came home, walked the dog, played on the floor, and made dinner…seriously. The next day I was in spin class.

    Does it hurt? NO. I do have to say, I have a really high pain tolerance…apparently I broke my arm at some point but only found out when I had a routine X-ray done to check my joints, but by that time it had already healed. Whoops. Anyway back to CoolSculpting…I didn’t think it was painful at ALL. The feeling was similar to cupping…a suction sensation. It has been five days since I had it done and my skin in those two area are still numb…which is totally normal. Other than being a little sore and having two hickies on my belly I’m totally fine.

    Yianna massaging the treated area

    I will be posting a vlog…It will be up next Tuesday after I get my next hours done. That way you can see the entire process.

    So when do you see results? In 8-12 weeks but you can start to see progress in as little as three weeks. The fat cells are naturally excreted through the body over a couple of months. Results come from maintaining an active lifestyle in addition to a healthy diet. EASY right? All you have to do is continue your healthy lifestyle and you will see results.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what questions you have about the procedure so I can ask them for you IN PERSON at my next appointment. If you have any questions if you qualify or pricing I will have to refer you directly to the highly trained professionals…remember I don’t work there and I’m not examining your body.

    Also don’t be shy and book a consult…I know you won’t regret it.

