Category: Fit Tips 101

  • HIIT: Burn by Burpees

    OKAY this HIIT is H A R D.

    Like really hard. Burpees on repeat. AKA we are going to be BURNING major fat.


    My Sunday Squad at Lifetime killed this one. It’s worth literally every horrid second. As always modify if it just isn’t working in your hot little bod today. We do what we can when we can.

    I love that these workouts are FIFTEEN minutes. There is zero excuse for not having 15 minutes. Let’s be real, you spend more time than that contemplating what to say to your latest Bumble match (hello I have been there).

    Burpees BLOW. But they are effective. The pain is temporary. The results are real. Modify if you need to, but don’t give up. It gets better as you get stronger.

    To see how to set up your timer, go to Week One or click HERE.

    You will need a set of weights you can comfortably press over head. Remember we do each exercise for 45 seconds, three times through.

    Let’s get into it

    Burpee with Toe Taps:

    – Start standing. Place hands on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, tap opposite hand to opposite foot ( right hand to left foot bending the knee outward quickly switch)

    Plank Shoulder Taps into Mountain Climbers

    – Start in a plank position tap your right hand to your left shoulder, repeat on the left side. Complete ten mountain climbers driving your knees into your chest.

    Burpee with an over head press (DUMBBELLS NEEDED)

    – Start standing with dumbbells in your hands. Place dumbbells  on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, extent your arms over head.

    Plyometric Lunges

    – Lunge your left leg behind you aiming to create a 90 degree angle at both knees. Jump up switching legs. You can also skip the jump and simply keep the lunge.

    Surfer Burpee 

    – Start standing. Place hands on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, land like you would on a surfboard. Standing in a squat slightly in a squat rotated in your waist. Next time jump up and rotate to the other side. The key here is time under tension.

    Push Ups

    – Plank position bend your elbows. Press your body back up in one motion. You can also drop to your knees.

  • Fit Tips 101: Motivation


    In the Fit Tips 101: Scheduling post I told you I am ready and willing to set a 4am alarm. What I didn’t tell you is that I hate it. I don’t want to be out of bed at that ungodly hour. I would much rather be warm and cozy. However, warm and cozy may feel good in the moment but crushing your goals feels good all dang day.

    GOALS. Goals are the center of literally everything. Goals are the thing that makes that 4am alarm seem manageable. Make manageable, realistic, measurable goals. (I have a video on it for you). Once your goals are written down, GO AFTER THEM. Hard. Chip away at them everyday. Tell them to everyone. Write them down in multiple places so you can see them all day long. Without goals, the snooze button will win every single time.

    Surround yourself with positive people. You’re not doing to be motivated with Debby Downers dimming your light. When I became serious about my goals, I had to (as Pat Dudley would say), ‘Trim the Friend Tree’. Sometimes you have good people in your life but they just don’t allow you to be your best self. DISTANCE yourself. Focus on you. It’s okay to put yourself first. Once you are only surrounded by doers, dreamers and goal diggers you’re life will be so much brighter.

    Im a big fan of motivational YouTube videos. BIG FAN. I probably listen to // watch at least three a day. I put them on while Im in the shower or when Im getting ready in the morning. I love to listen to speeches by military men and women while I am on the stair master or lifting because I find what they have done to be the ultimate motivation. You need to find what lights your fire and ignite it daily… several times a day if necessary.

    When I want to sleep in, skip the gym or ease my way through a workout, I look at pictures of myself from a year ago… or several years ago.

    My biggest motivator is you. If you are here, reading this, I am pushing myself to help you. To achieve things so that you too, can realize you are more than capable of anything and everything your perfectly beautiful heart desires. I am so motivated by every like, comment and direct message. My heart sings seeing people take the time to watch my Instagram stories. Realize that people are watching you, looking up to you and aspiring to be just like you.

    Here are some of my ALL TIME FAVORITE motivational vids:

    Will Smith

    Paige Hathaway 

    Navy Seal  — I listen to this on the stair master… every single time

    What gets you fired up to CRUSH some serious goals??




  • Fit Tips 101: Scheduling

    I asked you what you struggled with and most of you admitted that fitting in workouts is tough stuff.

    Been there. Done that. Bought the T Shirt.

    Here’s the deal, if sweating is important and actually a priority, you will make time. You will set the 4am alarm. You will skip brunch on Sunday. You will get it done. The key is to book your workouts like a meeting.

    Sunday, I sit down with my planner and prioritize my week. First, I make sure to have all my work, meetings and trainings in because those not only involve other people but they also pay my rent sooooooo it’s important.

    The second thing that goes in are my workouts. Wednesday’s are for personal training. Next I figure out what days I have time to drive (fairly far) to F45 and book those classes. Finally I add in my lifts, aiming for 2 upper body// 2 lower body days.

    I schedule my workouts for SEVEN days a week. Why? Because if it floods or if I get a flat tire or if my schedule suddenly hits the fan, I don’t have to stress about missing a workout. Also, I find that when I take a real rest day I struggle in my workouts for two days after. I live for an active rest day…taking a walk, a little yoga//pilates or just foam rolling makes me feel like a better human.

    Anyway, then I add in little things like what Im eating, Trader Joe’s, laundry, cleaning and Southern Charm (Cam is my GIRL).

    Sometimes fitting in my workout means setting that early alarm or going to lift when I would much rather be curled up in bed reading. Sometimes it’s jump squat burpees at the park with the kids I watch.

    If you really want to get it done, you will find a way 100% of the time.

    Let’s make FIT TIPS 101 a dope series. Next Chapter: Motivation.

    Homework: Schedule 5-7 workouts for this week and leave them in the comment section below!

    PS What other tips do you want // need. Im dying to know

