Category: Fitness

  • HIIT: Burn by Burpees

    OKAY this HIIT is H A R D.

    Like really hard. Burpees on repeat. AKA we are going to be BURNING major fat.


    My Sunday Squad at Lifetime killed this one. It’s worth literally every horrid second. As always modify if it just isn’t working in your hot little bod today. We do what we can when we can.

    I love that these workouts are FIFTEEN minutes. There is zero excuse for not having 15 minutes. Let’s be real, you spend more time than that contemplating what to say to your latest Bumble match (hello I have been there).

    Burpees BLOW. But they are effective. The pain is temporary. The results are real. Modify if you need to, but don’t give up. It gets better as you get stronger.

    To see how to set up your timer, go to Week One or click HERE.

    You will need a set of weights you can comfortably press over head. Remember we do each exercise for 45 seconds, three times through.

    Let’s get into it

    Burpee with Toe Taps:

    – Start standing. Place hands on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, tap opposite hand to opposite foot ( right hand to left foot bending the knee outward quickly switch)

    Plank Shoulder Taps into Mountain Climbers

    – Start in a plank position tap your right hand to your left shoulder, repeat on the left side. Complete ten mountain climbers driving your knees into your chest.

    Burpee with an over head press (DUMBBELLS NEEDED)

    – Start standing with dumbbells in your hands. Place dumbbells  on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, extent your arms over head.

    Plyometric Lunges

    – Lunge your left leg behind you aiming to create a 90 degree angle at both knees. Jump up switching legs. You can also skip the jump and simply keep the lunge.

    Surfer Burpee 

    – Start standing. Place hands on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, land like you would on a surfboard. Standing in a squat slightly in a squat rotated in your waist. Next time jump up and rotate to the other side. The key here is time under tension.

    Push Ups

    – Plank position bend your elbows. Press your body back up in one motion. You can also drop to your knees.

  • Fit Tips 101: Scheduling

    I asked you what you struggled with and most of you admitted that fitting in workouts is tough stuff.

    Been there. Done that. Bought the T Shirt.

    Here’s the deal, if sweating is important and actually a priority, you will make time. You will set the 4am alarm. You will skip brunch on Sunday. You will get it done. The key is to book your workouts like a meeting.

    Sunday, I sit down with my planner and prioritize my week. First, I make sure to have all my work, meetings and trainings in because those not only involve other people but they also pay my rent sooooooo it’s important.

    The second thing that goes in are my workouts. Wednesday’s are for personal training. Next I figure out what days I have time to drive (fairly far) to F45 and book those classes. Finally I add in my lifts, aiming for 2 upper body// 2 lower body days.

    I schedule my workouts for SEVEN days a week. Why? Because if it floods or if I get a flat tire or if my schedule suddenly hits the fan, I don’t have to stress about missing a workout. Also, I find that when I take a real rest day I struggle in my workouts for two days after. I live for an active rest day…taking a walk, a little yoga//pilates or just foam rolling makes me feel like a better human.

    Anyway, then I add in little things like what Im eating, Trader Joe’s, laundry, cleaning and Southern Charm (Cam is my GIRL).

    Sometimes fitting in my workout means setting that early alarm or going to lift when I would much rather be curled up in bed reading. Sometimes it’s jump squat burpees at the park with the kids I watch.

    If you really want to get it done, you will find a way 100% of the time.

    Let’s make FIT TIPS 101 a dope series. Next Chapter: Motivation.

    Homework: Schedule 5-7 workouts for this week and leave them in the comment section below!

    PS What other tips do you want // need. Im dying to know



  • Getting Leaner without Losing Strength

    GIRL if you have been following me you K N O W I love to train. My workouts have been HOT fire lately and Im noticing major changes in my bod because of it. I have D Y I N G to share it with you. Mostly because I have been cutting (aka losing weight) and getting stronger which is counterintuitive. Typically, when you lose body mass, you lose strength…which is exactly what I didn’t want. I have // had (I crushed several already) B I G fitness goals before turing 25 and I couldn’t lose strength while trying to achieve them.

    Okay, let’s talk lifting. I have been doing an 2 upper // 2 lower days split. The reason being it gives me more freedom and control. I’m not married to chest and triceps on Monday…I can do them whenever my heart desires. So if it’s Meathead Monday and I can’t get a bench, I can still sweat it out with lat pulls and pull ups. BUT here is the real secret… I lift with intensity. Like I need that minute of rest in between sets to let my heart rate fall. My goal is to always be the hardest working one in the gym (not the strongest or fittest). I push my weight… as much as I can safely move…with energy and explosiveness.

    F45… Im just going to apologize for how obnoxious I have been with my obsession with F45 but if you tried it, you wouldn’t blame me. It is humbling is the best way. If Orange Theory and Crossfit had a weekend fling in Vegas and had a fitness baby, it would be F45. The classes focus on functional movement while increasing your heart rate. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are cardio based….. and W O W. Tuesday and Thursday are more resistance based. My brother threw up three times the first time he went. Boyfriend, had to lay on the floor for a solid 3 minutes after. It is HARD CORE. In the best way. And you get a WEEK for free. I mean how amazing. My favorite days are the cardio days because I SUCK at them. They leave me drained, and sometimes frustrated but I know thats were I will make the most progress.

    Playing Outside… you probably know Im a nanny and I spend a good portion of my day playing. Here is the deal, playing is amazing. Hill sprints, tag, monkey bars, hikes, obstacle courses you name it, we play it. Lately, we have been obsessed with my agility ladder. HELLO footwork, and sprints WHILE working. Also, watching the kids fall head over heels with fitness makes my heart sing. The little girl told me last week, “Katie, I can’t believe it!!! Im getting strong just like you!!”

    All of these things contribute to my progress and weight loss, but none reduce my strength because they ADD to it. Even the cardio classes at F45…I mean it’s hard to lose strength when your cardio is a burpee with a box jump or a clean right???

    I hope you have the BEST day!!! The countdown to TWENTY FIVE has begun. We have less than T W O weeks people



  • BODY by The Pilates Blonde

    BODY by The Pilates Blonde.

    BODY is an eight week program designed to help you achieve the healthiest version of you. We start with an evaluation consisting of simple compound movements to see your strengths and to see where there are the greatest opportunities for growth. We will measure progress is based on improvement of FITNESS LEVEL. We will be aiming to improve in the evaluation while analyzing progress pictures, measurements and lastly the scale.

    Each week you will receive three follow along at home workout videos. One will always be High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) style cardio…these will be short. 15-20 minutes max. The other two workouts will vary. They may be focused on a particular muscle group. Others may be total body. The length of the two other videos will vary to give you a variety and options to fit your schedule.

    In addition to the workout videos, I will be posting four lifting workouts each week. You will get to see EXACTLY what I am doing in the gym on a daily basis. This is for those of you who already have an existing gym membership and need ideas and accountability to get to the gym.

    I will be hosting weekly video chat meetings… either via Zoom or Facebook live… based on whats easiest for the group. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get direct answers in real time. Plus you get to connect with other members who may be having the same struggle as you.

    My goals is to create a community striving to become the healthiest and happiest version of themselves. We will share our successes and struggles. We will motivate and challenge each other to be better each week.

    You’re $100 payment gives you access to EVERYTHING listed above, eight weeks of workouts, endless support, accountability, motivation and progress!!

    Send an email to to get your spot in the group!!

    Payment can be mail in via check (address given via email) or made directly via VENMO thepilatesblonde

    GET EXCITED BABES!!! I cant wait to work with you!!