Category: Fitness

  • The Scale

    The scale… ugh the effing SCALE. I used to be haunted by the fluctuations…especially before I knew about water weight, hormones and sodium intake. (This was also when I thought 135 was HUGE…seventh grade was rough)

    I like to think about the scale like the beautiful mean girl in high school. It seems like it would be a great idea to be her BFF but she only makes you feel horrible and hate yourself. GIRL BYE.

    Here is the deal… there are half a dozen ways to track your progress and the scale is just ONE of them. Yes, you should still weigh yourself. It is good information (that is all it is, information).

    Im going to be real and raw and show you how my weight has changed in the past year.

    Originally, I lost over 30 pounds. I tracked my macros, consistently did cardio, and lifted LIGHT weights.

    I went from over 205 to 169 in six months.

    Then in July, I cut back on the cardio and starting lifting HEAVY. As the scale went up, my body got smaller. I put on 10 pounds in six months, most of it being muscle.

    During the weight gain these past few months I have changed my relationship with the scale. It is pretty easy to love the scale when the number is getting lower and lower each week. It is not fun to watch the number go up, even knowing your goals involve weight gain.

    So how did I deal? On weigh in days, I would write down everything I love about my body. I can get out of bed in the morning. I live pain free. I crushed my squat PR. My skin is clearer. Literally anything I could think of, no matter how minor, I wrote it down.

    The love I have for myself is more powerful than disliking a scale.

    If you truly have a toxic relationship with your scale, you can track how your clothes fit. Take measurement. TAKE PICTURES.

    All of this is just information to see if what your are doing is working for your body. That is it. People don’t love you less if you gain weight. Being ‘thin’ doesn’t make you a happy person. Give your bod the loving it deserves and it will love you right back



  • HIIT Week Two


    I have been living for HIIT lately. This week I am stepping it up a little (a lot) with our workouts. As always MODIFY if needed. To set up your timer check out Week One.

    This weeks workout is:

    180 Squat Jumps: starting with your feet hip distance apart squat deep and jump landing facing the opposite direction. Modifications: Jump squats. Traditional squat. Sumo squat.

    Plank Toe Taps: Starting in a traditional plank position drive knee into chest tapping the toes with the opposite hand. Repeat. Modification: Plank position on knees lifting left knee to meet left elbow. Repeat on the right.

    Mountain Climber Burpies: Start standing. Place hands on floor and jump feet back to a plank position. Drive one knee in to your chest at a time. Jump both feet in towards your hands. Jump up to standing. REPEAT. Modification: Place hands on the floor. Walk feet back to a plank. Walk feet in towards your hands. Stand up. Repeat

    High Knees: Standing, bring one knee in towards your chest and switch as quickly as possible. Repeat. Modification: Slow the movement down

    Walk Outs: Standing round through your spine to place hands on the floor. Walk hands out to a plank, hold for 1-5 seconds. Walk hands back toward your toes. Stand. Repeat.

    Leg Lower/Lifts into Reverse Crunch: Laying on the mat lengthen legs toward the ceiling heels together toes apart. Lower your legs SLOWLY towards the mat to where your abs are working but NOT your back slowly lift legs towards the ceiling. When you reach 90 degrees, boost your booty off the ground by engaging your lower abs.

    As always AIM for three rounds (but celebrate yourself if you can do one or two) three days this week! 15 minutes of work for the day and you are DONE. It doesn’t get any better than that!

    Don’t forget to tag me in your sweaty selfie on Insta!




  • Health and Wellness Goal Getting


    Everyone hates the over populated, over crowded gym come January 1 but don’t let anyone tarnish your motivation in 2018. There is nothing wrong with wanted to be a stronger, healthier, happier version of you. Own it. Who cares if it’s cliche. Being healthy is cool. (Just don’t be the person taking 30 minutes at the squat rack because you cant get the perfect selfie.)


    FRIST OF ALL… If you get off track, start again RIGHT AWAY. You don’t have to wait until Monday. You can make a life changing decision on a rainy Thursday at 2:31pm. I can’t start a project just because it’s the start of the week. I need to be motived and most of the time, my motivation doesn’t kick in until Tuesday. You are a human and Wegmans has delicious baked goods. Shit happens. Move on.


    Don’t join a gym thats 45 minutes away because you like the spa it offers. You will go for two weeks and stop. Don’t join a spin studio because you think cardio is the fastest way to drop pounds. Find something you love. It doesn’t matter how you move your body as long as you are doing it. Motivation lasts a week. Dedication lasts a lifetime. Try boxing and cycle and weight lifting and yoga. Figure out what works for you.

    Personally I need to lift heavy to be happy. I put on muscle VERY easily and I was afraid I was getting too big so I cut back. I tried to force myself two only spin and practice yoga for six weeks…as much as I love those, it’s not the same high for me. You need to find what works for you.


    When I first started working with my diet coach I was all about the numbers on the scale I wanted to hit the 130s. Here is what I learned about my body. I weigh a lot. It is not realistic for me to weigh 130… honestly it isn’t realistic for me to weigh 140. A healthy weight for me is around 160. I like muscle. I like to lift. I like balance. Around 165-170 is where I can live comfortably. For a lot of women that would be wayyyy to much weight. For me it works.

    You wont lose 30 pounds in a month because you didn’t gain 30 pounds in a month. Try goals like this. Try one new fitness class a week. Test out three health recipes using two new foods a week. Track macros consistently for 30 days. These mini goals take you to your BIG goal in baby steps.


    Sweating is fun. Kale is kind of (very) boring. If you don’t properly fuel your body, you’re not going to see changes. Break up with beer. Ditch the Doritos. It’s crazy how the body changes when you give it exactly what it needs. Protein, carbs and fats are the building blocks of health. Say see ya to chemicals and sugar and your bod with thank you.

    Want to know my trick for getting rid of the junk? Say I ‘need’ a cookie and wegmans doesn’t sell just one… I will buy the least amount possible, eat one or two…then spray the rest with cleaning fluid (usually windex) and toss the rest out. I could literally (and joyfully) eat a family size container of wegmans ultimate chocolate chip cookies… they are the BEST. But they don’t fuel my body in the same way chicken and a sweet potato does.


    The final trick to staying on track is accountably. I needed someone to hold my hand and walk me through dieting so I found a coach. Diet has always been my biggest down fall but I was determined to make it a strength. Having someone check my MyFitnessPal worked for me.

    The gym is my happy place. I love a good sweat but sometimes after working a 13 hour day I want my bed and Netflix. Joining my boyfriend’s gym has been a game changer. I get major FOMO when he lifts without me. Plus who doesn’t love a little eye candy at the gym.

    Finally, I hired a trainer. If you think I would willingly do suicide sled pushes on my own, you would be wrong. If you thought I would think to do banded squats or 60 second sprints on a Versa Climber, you would also be wrong. Luckily, I found Ryan and he pushes me to almost throw up every single week. Its the best. I crave a killer session with Ryan. I have seen so much progress is the quality of my workouts since meeting him that I am increasing my sessions to twice a week. He knows his stuff. Learn more HERE.

    What do you do so stay on track??



  • HIIT Week One

    HELLO 2018!!!

    Okay, part of my new year, better me mission is to give you FREE workouts. I have been doing High Intensity Interval Training  or HIIT consistently for about two months and GIRL the results are REAL. Essentially you work (and sweat) you booty off for a little and then rest. Sounds good right? Okay.. so it’s a little harder than I’m letting on but trust me you NEED to add these workouts into your routine. Ideally 3-4 times a week. It won’t take long (thank god) but you will feel it right away!

    First, I need you to download the Seconds App. Easy.


    Then set up a timer that looks like this:



    Essentially is six rounds of work with five seconds (for transitioning) in between. Each round in 4 minutes and 55 seconds… THATS IT. Then you repeat the workout two more times.


    Are you ready for Week One?

    Of course you are!!

    • Jumping Jacks
    • Burpies
    • Plank
    • Mountain Climbers
    • Jump rope
    • Jump Squats

    45 seconds of each. Three times through. Three times a week. That is all you need…trust me. Try it and tag me in your sweaty selfie on Instagram!!

