Category: Fitness


    Keeping my promise to all my favorites… here is todays lower body lift!! My warm up… I’m laughing as I type because it kicked my ass… was a Cycle class with the one and only Tori Sterling ( @toristerling_ ) Her playlist was hot fire… per usual. If you haven’t been to Soul Beat yet… GET THERE.

    After cycle I went to Extreme Gym for LEG DAY. It’s been an hour and I’m still shaking so get ready… this is a good one. ALSO…my sweaty hair is the perfect indication of how hard this work out is. You have been fully warned.

    WARM UP 

    You can be a psycho like me and warm up with a cycle class orrrr Incline walk at 3.5 speed for 15 minutes

    Dynamic stretching: Leg swings (front to back // lateral )

    50 unweighted traditional squats

    25 glute bridges


    ***Four sets of 12-15 reps depending on how much weight you can lift. Example: If I am not extremely fatigued at the end of 15 reps, I need to up my weight. On the other hand, if I can barely get 12 reps and my form sucks, I need to drop weight. Find the weight that is super challenging yet SAFE

    Sumo Squat Deadlifts with Barbell

    -keep core tight and back flat. Toes pointed out wider that hip distance. One hand over grip, one hand under keeping the thumb with your fingers. Lower slow and controlled.. press up through your heals and squeeze your booty at the top

    Weighted Lunges on Smith Machine

    – These always kick my booty. I prefer the Smith machine because it helps keep my body in alignment when I don’t have a spotter. I always keep both legs at 90 degrees in the lowest position and press up through the heel on my FRONT leg. 15 reps on each side.

    One Leg Deadlift on Smith Machine 

    • Im OBSESSED with one leg deadlifts. Again the Smith Machine helps with alignment as well as balance for these unilateral movements. Standing close to the bar with an overhand/underhand grip balance on one leg. Engage your core and slowly lower the bar with a flat back. Keep your hips square to the bar. Then press up through your heel and squeeze your booty at the top. 12-15 on this side and switch legs.

    Kneeling Squat on Smith Machine

    • GRAB A MAT. Fold up the mat under the bar to protect your knees. Come to kneeling on the mat with the bar resting on your shoulders. Sit your butt back toward your heels. Press up through your glutes and squeeze at the top.

    Hip Thrusts with Dumbbell

    • Find an open bench, grab a heavy dumbbell and the mat you were using for the last exercise. Sit on the floor off to the side, resting your shoulders on the bench. Fold the mat and place it on your hips with the dumbbell on top. Place your feet shoulder distance apart. Press up through your heels bringing your body into a table top position, squeeze your booty and slowly lower keeping tension on your muscles. TIP: I like to curl my toe to the ceiling to engage the back of the body more.

    Hamstring Curls 

    • Come to lying on the curl machine and pick your weight. Curl the pad towards your butt and pause with the contraction in your hamstring. Slowly lower.

    TRY IT. Let me know if you were just as sweaty and I was (am). Also, don’t forget to check out my babes at Soul Beat. Tell them I sent you!!



  • Bicep // Tricep // Shoulder Workout

    While Pilates is my passion, weight lifting will always be my first love. There is nothing like pushing out one more rep on your last set. Creating new and challenging workouts is something I am obsessed with. Per the request of clients from past and present I have decided to share with you the exact workouts I do to build muscle while leaning out.

    This Bicep // Tricep // Should day KILLED me. It’s been four days and Im still sooooo sore. I am definitely keeping this one in my rotation.

    WARM UP 

    Stair master for 10 minutes GOAL 50 flights

    Weighted Warm up

    • Hammer Curls 10lbs x 20
    • Tricep Kickbacks 10lbs x 20
    • Shoulder Raises 10lbs x 20


    **FOUR sets of 12-15 reps per exercise with about a minute rest in between sets


    • Wide Grip Bicep Curl with EZ Bar
    • Hammer Curls with Dumbbell
    • Drag Curls with EZ Bar
    • Burn out: traditional bicep curls until failure (4 sets)


    • Skull Crushers
    • Tricep Kickbacks
    • Single arm isolated over head tricep extension with dumbbell
    • Burn out: tricep dips until failure (4 sets)


    • Shoulder Press with Barbell
    • Front Raise with Barbell
    • Rear Delt Fly (pinky finger on top)

    Also, get yourself a little notebook or piece of paper where you can write out your weight, reps, and sets for each exercise. I really wish I started doing this sooner to track the strength I have gained over the years.

    Please leave me a love note in the comment section after you kill this workout!!

  • MAJOR Announcement // Life update

    Well long time no talk, but trust me, I have been putting in crazy amounts of work outside of the internet.

    If you follow me on my socials, you have probably realized I have made some HUGE life changing decisions. As of June 6th, my 24th birthday, I became a full time Pilates instructor at Life Time Athletic in King of Prussia. I know what you’re thinking…

    “But Katie, what about NURSING???”

    Well I have to be honest with you, I was given an offer to follow my dreams and I couldn’t say no. Nursing will always be there but right now I’m on the proactive side of health care instead of the reactive side. I am taking clients with complex medical histories and helping them prevent another hospital stay. I know it’s not the only thing nurses do, but I hated hated hated handing out pills. The things that I love about nursing, the clients, the interaction, the progress are all part of my current career. This is a good thing.

    Because of this new life change, you can expect MORE content. I will be providing FREE workouts every Sunday, which will be the same as the ‘homework’ I give my clients in the studio.  Expect more recipes, playlists, beauty tips and stories.


    Pilates is a system of exercise designed to work the ENTIRE body starting from the core out. So what does that mean for you? Flat abs baby… in addition to the increase in muscle tone and flexibility you will see everywhere else. Have you ever heard of Kate Hudson? Labron James? They practice Pilates. Kate, to stay red carpet ready at all times. Mr James uses Pilates to prevent injury, increase his range of motion while decreasing workload on his body by moving his body more efficiently on the court.

    Sounds good right? What if I told you it is safe to practice seven days a week…because it is. In Pilates we lengthen your muscles without tearing meaning there is no recovery time. Pilates put my Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus in remission…something seven years of medications, treatments and hospital stays couldn’t accomplish. I truly believe Pilates is for every BODY.

    If you haven’t been on a reformer (pictured above) I highly encourage finding a studio near you!!

    I am so so so excited to share everything I am learning.

    I hope you have the BEST Friday!!



  • Get The Memo on MACROS

    The response to my last post was UNREAL. Thank you guys so much for all your support…I am the luckiest girl in the world. I seriously couldn’t ask for better readers. Because I love you oh so much, I want to give you a deeper look into tracking macros.

    I didn’t want to give away too many details about the diet I follow because that would be taking away from the purpose of having a coach…mine changed my life. Out of respect for her and everyone who is in the program, Im keeping most of the details on the DL. I hope that makes sense. That being said if you WANT more details (aka her contact information) LET ME KNOW in the comment section below! I emailed everyone back who commented//emailed me about check your inbox for a little love note from me!!

    Back to tracking… This isn’t the first time I have tracked macros. A few years ago I worked with an insta-famous coach. While it worked for me short term, it lacked the accountability I now have with my current coach. I mean what is better than taking a spin class taught by your coach? Nothing.  I also wasn’t ready mentally. With anything in life, you have to be mentally prepared for the commitment. Two years ago I just wasn’t ready.  During the six weeks there are going to be bridal showers and birthday celebrations. Sometimes it’s easy to say ‘No thank you’, other times it BLOWS but having support from people who are politely declining as well takes the sting out of it…I promise.

    To understand macros you need to understand calories… Calories are a source of energy, which we get from the different types of macronutrients we eat (protein, carbs and fats). If you’re into following fitness influencers on social media (like I am) you have most definitely have heard of ‘If It Fits Your Macros’ (IIFYM) or flexible dieting.

    Essentially the idea is that your body recognizes the building blocks of food. If you stay within the parameters of your macros you can make what you want ‘fit’. The only problem is you can make junk food fit in your macros. Which is fine in theory but that still allows for sugar cravings and makes progress slower.

    Sure, I could have a cookie and make it ‘fit’ within my carbs for the day but is that going to make me stronger, faster or more flexible? Heck no. Which is why I don’t do IIFYM at the moment. I only want the purest, most nutrient dense foods filling my macros while I continue to get into the best shape of my life. As I move more into maintaining my progress, I will most definitely make sure my treats fit into my macros for the day…that is all part of living a balanced life. For now I am sticking with the basics… clean and lean.

    Tracking macros ensures your are fueling your body with exactly what it needs. You need just enough, not too much not too little. Personally, I don’t think I could have achieved half of my progress without my coach or the group of people doing it with me. The process has been so fun…I  truly look forward to seeing the changes in my body every single day.

    I hope this cleared up some questions!!! Don’t forget my inbox is always open so leave me a love note!

