Category: Fitness

  • how I lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks… in a healthy way

    how I lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks… in a healthy way

    If you follow me on instagram you probably saw my progress pictures and instagram stories from the most amazing changes I have made recently. One decision, to work with a diet coach, changed every aspect of my life.

    I know everyone is going to want to know the stats, so let’s get that out of the way. Basically, I lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks while eating all day long. I know I know, it sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t. How? Without giving away too many details, I tracked macros…carbs, proteins and fats. Plus personalized supplements based on an extensive test I took. I logged everything in MyFitnessPal and kept my food simple and clean.

    For me, this decision was so much bigger than the number on the scale. During nursing school, my habits were majorly unhealthy. In order to survive the 3am wake ups for clinical and the late nights of studying, caffeine was my saving grace. The caffeine messed up my sleep cycle which only lead to more coffee and sugar free red bull. (Gross I know)  Plus the coffee would fill me up so I wouldn’t be hungry until 11pm when I would eat anything and everything in sight.

    Just thinking about it make cringe.

    After graduation, I promised myself I would get my pre-nursing school health back… notice how I didn’t say I wanted my slimmer body back. My motivation wasn’t primarily weight loss. Sure, I set a weight loss goal (and hit it) but I knew that, for me anyway, a number on the scale isn’t going to keep me away from a Wegmans Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie. I know that for me, my motivation comes from squatting heavier, an extra 10 flights of steps on the stair master in a shorter amount of time, and more push ups in my two minute challenges every week.

    I have to measure progress in my strength, flexibility and mindset. Willpower has always been a MAJOR weakness of mine…until I started the Shape Up Program. Knowing my coach can and will check MyFitnessPal and that I have to send in my weight once a week kept my diet on point.   For the first time in my life I can walk past a bowl full of my favorite candy 17 times a day and not even want it…which is CRAZY.

    Actually, Easter was the first time I had any sugar in over six weeks. I allowed myself to have some chocolate and a few carbs I hadn’t had… this morning I weighted in higher by 0.7 pounds. I was okay with it because I enjoyed the holiday and know that I am back on track today which is the whole point, a new mindset. It’s okay to have a little treat when you know you are in a place where it won’t get you completely off track.

    I have always done my research when it comes to diet and exercise, but nothing has worked for my body like this program. I am so thankful for my coach and all the incredible people doing it with me.

    PS I had to type this on my iPad because my Mac is too full. Sorry the pictures are low quality… the before//current pics are screenshots from videos. I like progress videos better because its a more realistic progress update. Follow me on Insta for more real-time progress!!

    Okay…. I know the questions are coming!




  • Move of the Week: Criss Cross

    As you can tell from my face this is a LOT harder than it looks. Criss Cross is part of the five part ab series Joseph Pilates created.

    Set up: Place a mat on a smooth flat surface. Lay on your back in the center of your mat. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Try and connect every inch of your spine onto the mat. Take a few deep breaths. On you last set of breaths exhale completely and bring your belly button in towards your spine. Imagine pulling your belly button in and up towards your sternum.

    Execution: Bring you hands palm over palm behind your head. Bring you knees into a table top position. Come up into an upper ab curl (a crunching position). Think about your spine being on a balance beam, you don’t want to wiggle on your mat. Bring your left knee towards your right elbow. Your eyes gaze back toward your left elbow. Your right leg reaches long out of your hip. Hold for 3 seconds and switch.

    Try for a set of 5-10 on each side.

    As always I want to know what you think!




  • Two Minute Challenges: How to track your fitness progress without a scale


    When I first my fitness journey three years ago I wasn’t looking to be Candice Swanepoel on the cover of Victoria’s Secret Swim Catalog. I wanted to just be fit enough to get through my day. I wanted to get out of bed with ease, walk down the stairs and maybe take a walk around the house.

    My goals were geared towards physical milestones and NOT a number on the scale or fitting into a size 00 dress.

    Today, I try and make my goals the same way. A few months ago however, on a day I was feeling Sasha Fierce,  I jumped on the scale for the first time months and the number was shocking.

    I had recently stepped up my lifting and my body puts on muscle extremely quickly. I hadn’t been on the scale in so long I didnt know what to expect, but the number was far from where I thought I was. I freaked. Started going through all my progress photos trying to find the week where I went wrong…but I couldn’t find it.

    Looking back I don’t know what the major issue was.

    YES that number was the highest I have ever seen but I didnt look or feel my heaviest. The number on the scale didnt stop me from getting out of bed in the morning. That number didnt make me a bad person or less fit. The only thing that number did was mess with my head.

    Confession: I haven’t been on the scale since.

    The number doesn’t matter.

    Here is how I track my progress instead. I set a timer for TWO MINUTES. I do two different two-minute fitness tests.

    • Two minute push up challenge
    • Two minute squat challenge.

    Why two minutes? I found one minute to be too short. I can do push ups for a minute straight, but I cant for two… There needs to be big room for progress. When I started adding these challenges into classes I taught and even the clients deemed the most ‘fit’ saw it as a challenge.

    Do these challenges once a week to measure progress. Start with traditional push ups do as many as you can, then drop to your knees for a modified push up. Count your reps. How many can you do without pushing back into a quick child’s pose? Here is what I ask… move until you cant anymore. Pause for second or two and give me a little more. Try to keep moving the ENTIRE two minutes.

    As for the squats, I have crazy strong legs so squats are pretty easy for me. However I have knee issues so I stick to a wider stance. I never go below parallel (parallel is a 90 degree angle created by your knee, below 90 degrees means dropping your booty closer to the floor) on a narrow stance. I like to switch up my squats during the two minutes. Narrow, wide, pulses.. I like variety. If I really want to do a full two minutes narrow (shoulder width or less) I will usually do a wall sit at parallel to take pressure off my knees.

    Continue your fitness routine the next week as you normally would and try the challenge exactly a week later. Did you improve? If not reevaluate your workouts.

    These little fitness Check Ins test strength and endurance. Remember your eighth grade math teacher preaching “show your work” nineteen times each day? Show me your work. Send me videos. Email me your progress. Tag me on Instagram. Tweet me… I really want to see.

    Tell me how you track your progress without numbers!!

