Hi. Welcome to my TED Talk.
I have ranted about this a million times to friends, family, on my story and in classes. It’s time to bring the conversation here.
SKINNY is a scam.
But Katie how? It’s a body type.
Lady Gaga once said ‘Baby you were born this way’. If Jesus made you a luscious lean cuisine rock that bod momma.
She DIDN’T say ‘Baby you were marketed this way to make you feel like there is one type of beautiful”
Selling Skinny is a scam, not actually being skinny. I mean have you seen my mom? She is the definition of skinny and totally healthy. Make sense?
Skinny is being marketed as healthy by the companies that have minions slide in your DMs a message that (always) starts “HEY GIRL! You are sitting on a GOLD MINE. You should totalllyyy join my team and push chemical filled products on all your friends and family until everyone hates you”
Okay that was a little harsh.
My opinion STANDS.
When people sell skinny, they are selling a quick fix. An ideal. A short term solution. Okay so you lost 20lbs in a month as promised.
Now what?
What did you learn? What underlying habits or noise did you work out. Or were you given products and promised results? If you stop taking their products what happens? Did they teach you a maintainable lifestyle or did you become a lifelong consumer?
If you have a coach, what is their education? What are their certifications? What did they TEACH you. How did they problem solve with you? Did they give you cookie cutter advice or really learn about YOU and your body // needs? Did they guide you to make smarter choices, maintain balance and goal set.
I truly believe you don’t need a coach for more than 3-6 months MAX. I believe, as a coach myself, my job is to teach, encourage and support. I don’t want lifelong clients. I want to guide as many people as possible to their healthiest they can be.
Selling products disguised as a lifestyle isn’t the way to do it. Humans need nutrients not supplements. They need meals not shakes. They need education not lies.
Slow, maintainable progress is always my goal. What you do to lose weight you need to do to maintain it.
What you do to LOSE weight is what you have to do to MAINTAIN it.
So, if it isn’t sustainable you are wasting your time. Can you really live on TWO protein shakes and one meal a day?!? (HINT: heck no)
Okay. Im done. I feel better. Do you?
Please please please make sure you are treating your body with the all the lovin’ she deserves. I mean she is your ONLY real home. Treat her like the flawless queen she is.