Your bedroom is the most important room in your house. It is where you unwind, rest and recover. It is the one place in the world where you should feel the most comfortable. For me, my bedroom is the place I always want to be…ninety percent of the time I counting down the seconds until I get to crawl back in bed.
I don’t share my room with anyone on a day to day basis which means I got to decorate it exactly how I wanted. The focal point, clearly being my bed with the show-stopping pillows, is my personal definition of heaven. The different textures mixed with the variations of colors… I mean it’s perfection right?
My nightstands were a gift from my father, Patrick, who knew I was going to get them ‘eventually’ after I got settled. I have been talking about a mixed metal situation with mirrored nightstands for probably three-ish years. He found them on Wayfair and totally surprised me. Thanks Pat… you’re the real MVP.
As for my shelves… this is a story. I made them. Super cheap. IKEA for the shelves, gold spray paint and marble contact paper. Now that wasn’t always the plan. I asked for a bar cart for Christmas several years ago and nothing I found was what I was envisioning. Frustrating. Okay so then I was like, “gold and marble shelves please”….. which were I M P O S S I B L E to find. Annoying. If you haven’t noticed, if I want something I make sure I get it. Beyoncé once said, “I dream it, I work hard I grind ’til I own it”. Amen Queen B.
So I (meaning my little brother Matt) assembled the shelves. I (really me this time) spray painted the shelves G O L D and then I (but actually it was my mom) covered the ugly plain shelves with contact paper. Amazing right? I really really love them.
Side note: If you do this little DIY in your garage (like I did) there will be gold spray paint literally everywhere for years. (Whoops)
And that is the story of how my room came to be! Tell me, what is the most important part of your bedroom? Are you a pillow psycho like me? Do my pillows give you anxiety? LET ME KNOW