Category: Pilates

  • 2017

    2017 has been one of my favorite years…ever. I mean it flew by and honestly it was because I was having soooooo much fun.

    I used 2017 to get my shit together. I wrote out some goals and started crushing them right away…big thanks to lululemon for teaching me how to effectively goal set.  Some goals were big (drop 30 pounds) some were small (get outside more) but I went for it. During the process, I learned soon much about myself.

    I hated nursing school. It was mentally, emotionally and for me physically draining. I gained a shit ton of weight because I had to prioritize studying and sleep over the gym and kale. I could have and should have used the gym to cope, but the cookies where in the kitchen and easier to turn too. Im human…dont judge.

    I took a job opportunity I never thought I would get, teaching Pilates full time and (thankfully) learned it wasn’t for me. Teaching is still my favorite creative outlet and my biggest passion but when it was all I was doing it lost it’s shine. I realized while I was still teaching great classes, I didn’t have the energy and excitement I used to for my favorite thing in the world. When I was dreading my alarm every morning, I knew it was time to cut back. That being said I still get to teach two days a week for some AMAZING clients. Just an FYI, BIGGGG opportunities to sweat with me are coming in 2018. GET EXCITED.

    Ever since I was a baby blonde cruising around in my pink Barbie Jeep I dreamed of the day I would have a real one to call my own. Well, boys and girls, I freaking did it!! I got myself a cute little Wrangler with all the bells and whistles. Im so obsessed. So in love. So proud of myself because your girl didnt have any help…I went to three different dealerships with a plan and a lot of sass and earned myself a killer deal. PS Dave at the Jeep dealership in Norristown is a G and the best car salesman ever because he isn’t a typically sales guy. Tell him I sent you.

    I lost the nursing school weight. 30 pounds GONE and kept it off. I wrote about this HERE and HERE.  In case you missed it, here’s the SparkNotes: I counted macros, I worked out, I got in shape. My diet coach is starting her next six week program on January 14th. (email here at for details)

    I promised myself I would starting dating in 2017. Ugghhh honestly the thought of a first date annoyed me. I started out like any normal 23 year old swiping left on guys who think it’s cool to post shirtless mirror selfies and drunk AC pictures. Vomit. Eventually I swiped right on a TOTAL babe with zero douche bag pictures. We met for coffee at my favorite place on earth (Wegmans) where I may have had two mommas I babysit for there for safety purposes (Thanks a million Tammy and Cara). Turns out he wasn’t a serial killer and now I have a boyfriend to workout with.

    Well it was a blast catching up with you!! My biggest 2018 goal is CONSISTENT content for you.  Imma do it I promise!



  • MAJOR Announcement // Life update

    Well long time no talk, but trust me, I have been putting in crazy amounts of work outside of the internet.

    If you follow me on my socials, you have probably realized I have made some HUGE life changing decisions. As of June 6th, my 24th birthday, I became a full time Pilates instructor at Life Time Athletic in King of Prussia. I know what you’re thinking…

    “But Katie, what about NURSING???”

    Well I have to be honest with you, I was given an offer to follow my dreams and I couldn’t say no. Nursing will always be there but right now I’m on the proactive side of health care instead of the reactive side. I am taking clients with complex medical histories and helping them prevent another hospital stay. I know it’s not the only thing nurses do, but I hated hated hated handing out pills. The things that I love about nursing, the clients, the interaction, the progress are all part of my current career. This is a good thing.

    Because of this new life change, you can expect MORE content. I will be providing FREE workouts every Sunday, which will be the same as the ‘homework’ I give my clients in the studio.  Expect more recipes, playlists, beauty tips and stories.


    Pilates is a system of exercise designed to work the ENTIRE body starting from the core out. So what does that mean for you? Flat abs baby… in addition to the increase in muscle tone and flexibility you will see everywhere else. Have you ever heard of Kate Hudson? Labron James? They practice Pilates. Kate, to stay red carpet ready at all times. Mr James uses Pilates to prevent injury, increase his range of motion while decreasing workload on his body by moving his body more efficiently on the court.

    Sounds good right? What if I told you it is safe to practice seven days a week…because it is. In Pilates we lengthen your muscles without tearing meaning there is no recovery time. Pilates put my Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus in remission…something seven years of medications, treatments and hospital stays couldn’t accomplish. I truly believe Pilates is for every BODY.

    If you haven’t been on a reformer (pictured above) I highly encourage finding a studio near you!!

    I am so so so excited to share everything I am learning.

    I hope you have the BEST Friday!!

