College Tips: Outside the Classroom

With everyone going back to school and the tribe of kids I used to babysit starting their freshman year of college (does that make me old? Unclear.) I wanted to share my tips and tricks for a successful year outside the classroom. Plus I have been in bed alllllll day and I am vvvvvvv bored. I have all my study tips ready for another day, but I think this is way more fun.

Tip 1: Be friends with everyone. Going into college I only knew TWO people, one of my three roommates (pictured above) and a guy from my brother’s lacrosse team. I left with dozens of friends and I didnt play sports and I wasn’t in clubs. How did I meet so many people? I put myself out there. The things that are weird in high school…aka liking to cook…made me different and helped me stand out in college.

Are you ready for a slightly (totally) embarrassing story? I met most of my friends from sliding into the DMs of two guys down the hall….and no it’s not what you’re thinking. I heard they had a lax tournament coming up and I (like my mother) believe the dinner you have the night before a game makes all the difference. I sent John and Al a message asking if they wanted a home cooked meal the night before their game. Friday I delivered them chicken parm, baked ziti and killer some garlic bread. The next they texted me saying they won all three games…John (the goalie) didn’t let anyone score on them all day! Next thing I knew we were all friends and they introduced me to soooooo many people. Sure looking back it may have been a tad weird asking to make someone dinner, but hey I met most of my favorite people on planet earth because of it so who is the real winner?

 Trick 2: Make your room feel like home. I was the cook, but my roommate Shannon was the Queen when it came to decorating. Our room was very cozy and I LOVED coming home from a stressful day to a comfy place. We moved our furniture around the first day and spent a lot of time decorating. I had wallpaper and pictures everywhere. I made sure my bedding was glam and not too busy. We both covered our furniture with contact paper to brighten it up a bit. Shan had an American Flag tapestry and her decor was more bohemian. Some how they blended nicely. We also had a big rug, faux candles, christmas lights which were so much better than the harsh overhead lighting that was in our room.

Tip 3: SMILE on campus. Resting Bitch Face is real and people don’t typically talk to girls with RBF. Be friendly and nice..people like a welcoming smile.

Trick 4: Always always ALWAYS drink your own alcohol. If you are going to a party, bring a cup with a lid. Roofies are real. I have never experienced it, but I have close friends who have.

Trick 5: Always have a plan to get home if you are drinking. If you are the sober sister don’t drink. Call the uber early on and make sure someone knows you are leaving the party. One thing I can say about my friends is we were ALWAYS safe about getting home or sleeping where we were drinking. It helped that our best friends were the guys throwing the parties but even if we were going home they always made sure we were safe and walked us to our uber.

How  low quality are these images….I wasn’t planning on being a blogger when I took them haha…But they are some of my favorites. Do you have any additional tips? Are you a freshman with questions about college? LET ME KNOW FAM. Leave me a love note in the comment section or slide in my DMs.




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