Confessions of a People Pleaser: Boundaries

Boundaries, or a lack of them, are probably my biggest weakness. I am a ‘Yes’ Girl to a fault. Even when it’s inconvenient or something I really don’t want to do. I, used to, always say yes regardless of how little sleep I was going to get or how ridiculous the request may have been. During the extensive work I did on myself over the past couple of months I learned it is OKAY to say no, AND not give a reason why.

“Can you walk on water, eat fire and then birth a litter of puppies in the next 34 minutes?”

Obviously this is an exaggeration, but it’s not far from texts I have gotten from a host of different people over the years. Of course none of these people started off with outlandish request, but after years of doing a ton of tiny favors it built up to a level of madness.

There was one common factor on all of these boundary-less relationships…me. A lack of boundaries was the main in all of my stressors, whether it be school, work or at home. As a chronic ‘People Pleaser’ I had to fight the urge to ‘Yes’ every favor asked of me or invite I got. Long story short, you can’t be everything to everyone. Trust me. I did it, in every aspect of my life for years.

I needed crazy amounts of coffee to get through the day and OTC sleeping meds to help my mind calm at night. At height of my Yessing/People Pleasing, I was so stressed and over worked that I began having heart palpitations. My stress/caffeine intake was literally causing my heart to skip beats. That was when I decided enough was enough…sort of.

I was waking up at 3am for school and not coming home until 8:30pm. School. Work. Gym. Study. Repeat.

It took months for me to slowly gain control back. Here is the thing, when people are used to you dropping everything to help them, when you start saying no it’s difficult for others to swallow. I got a lot of backlash. Not verbally but I could feel people distancing themselves. This was of course stressful for me.

I said no to getting certified in fitness fads I didn’t believe in. I said no to dinner or hitting the bars with friends when I knew I needed to sleep. I said no to working long hours when I had an exam the next week. All of these examples at things I would have, and have said yes to, knowing it was going to cause me a great deal of unnecessary stress.

I said ‘Yes’ to meditation, exercise and SLEEP. I said yes to collecting content for the blog I have been dreaming of for years. I said yes to things to help me be a better version of myself, things I would never have tried six months ago. I started seeing a Reiki/Energy Doctor.

I am still so new to this level of boundary setting. Baby steps are hella important. I feel like I am in a place now where, after months of practice, I can say no when I know it is the best choice for me.

Please tell me I’m not the People Pleaser on the planet… Im totally down for any more tips//tricks. Leave me a note.




6 responses to “Confessions of a People Pleaser: Boundaries”

  1. Rachel Avatar

    I absolutely loved your post and your blog in general! As I’m getting older and beginning to nanny many families, it’s getting harder to say no when it comes to nannying, school, and family. Reading your blog makes me realize it’s time to say no once in a while. Thanks so much Katie! Can’t wait to read next week’s posts.

    1. Avatar

      Thank you so much for not only taking the time to read my post, but also for your comment! You have no idea how much that means to me. I had no problem telling my mom or the mom I work for that they were spreading themselves too thin, but I didnt take my own advise until recently. Im still not the best at saying no…its a work in progress. After my first couple of hard no’s it got easier… I really hope I helped you!!



  2. Alex Avatar

    Hell yes (no pun intended) girl!! I have a hard time saying ‘no’ to people too and in the end it only hurts you. People walk all over you and take advantage of you in any way they can… Stop the nonsense, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks, gotta do it for yourself!! Love this! Love you ????

    1. Avatar


      I feel like we have talked about this at length. I feel like it is the nurses in us that always want to be helpers and doers. We need to recognize that we can’t help others if we don’t take care of ourselves first. Thanks a MILLION for reading my blog. I know you were waiting a while to see it! Thank you for all your support!!



  3. Jenn Avatar

    I am the biggest fan of meditation for many reasons! I have been practice medication for about four years now. I recently discover this app called “headspace”. It’s talks you through the mediation process and how to stay on track. I highly recommend mediation for EVERYONE, and this app will help you so much I promise!

    1. Avatar

      Hey Jenn!!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read//comment. You’re a gem! I have actually used Headspace and introduced my dad to it (it is his go-to app). I recently tried a new app that I love even more (!!!) it’s called Calm. I feel like I relax better to this woman’s voice better than Andy’s. Plus it has a calendar and you get a green circle on the days you meditate… I don’t know if you saw my post on my agenda, but I LOVE calendars. I am so thrilled found TPB. Expect a FULL post on meditation and how it calms my very Type A personality.



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