

    Good Preworkout that won’t make you jittery or nuts? 

    – I am a big fan of Bare Performance Nutrition. When I don’t want the shakes + tingles I use ‘Embrace the Suck’ when I want to feel like I can flip a car, I use ‘Flight’.

    What was the biggest mental switch for you when it came to getting serious about fitness and a healthy lifestyle? 

    – OHHH GIRL you knowwwww I love to chat about mindset. I think the biggest shift was when I changed who I exposed myself to. I blocked and unfollowed people I didn’t need in my life. I made my inner circle microscopic. I forced myself to look at my flaws. When I stopped blaming everyone else for my short comings, I began to tackle them head on. From there I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to tackle all of my weaknesses from the inside out. Some flaws are harder to fix than others (aka I am super non-confrontational and a chronic people pleaser). But the constant challenge of self discovery and self improvement changed the game for me. I compete with myself every single day to get better and stronger. I believe with that mentality, I am unstoppable.

    Favorite way to season chicken? 

    – When cooking I keep it simple… avocado oil and pepper. I prep chicken so I can season it to my liking later. Cilantro + Lime. Hot sauce. Coconut Aminos. Pasta sauces. Pesto.  Salsa. Okay now Im getting hungryyyyy.

    Tips for eating clean when your a picky eater? It’s a huge struggle for me.

    – TRY NEW THINGS. I was the PICKIEST eater on the planet. I truly mean it. I hated veggies with a passion. Mostly because I didn’t like the way they were cooked. You can have the most incredible cut of meat but if it is cooked poorly, it’s going to suck. Ya know? Brussels sprouts had a WORSE reputation than Taylor Swift in 2017 and now they are on every menu at every restaurant. It’s all in the preparation.

    What do you typically eat in a week? I struggle eating healthy because I want variety.

    – This I could honestly write a novel about. My staples are chicken (usually 9lbs of ground chicken), cauliflower rice, spring mix, arugula, spinach, black olives, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, brown rice and sweet potatoes. Then, the rest of my meals are whatever I’m craving. This week it was spaghetti squash. Last week it was fajitas. I let my mood pick the wildcard of the week. I prep the chicken and rice very plainly so I can season them with whatever I am in the mood for later.

    What’s your favorite go to healthy meal?!

    – I love something super balanced. So something with carbs, fats and protein. I love chicken and cauliflower rice. Or chicken and sweet potatoes. Usually I cook both those meals with avocado oil (you can cook with avocado oil at high temps) Easy, simple, delicious.

    What did you find the best way to burn fat but gain lots of muscle at the same time?

    – High Intensity Interval Training for the WIN. Too much traditional cardio will switch from fat burning mode to burn MUSCLE tissue. Meaning your metabolism will get slower. OHHH HECK NO. I have an entire section of HIIT workouts that only take 15 minutes. I will do them on their own or right after a lift. They are HARD so I wouldn’t do them before a workout or without a warmup.

    Where you always as energetic as you are now? Best tips for energy? 

    – OH NO HONEY. Most of my life I spent in bed with lowwwww energy. When I started fueling my body, hanging out with high-energy // positive people and sweating everyday my energy changed. I truly believe your energy is a direct reflection of the people you surround yourself with and who you expose yourself to. This includes who you follow on social media. I am a huge fan of the unfollow. If someone makes you feel bad about yourself unfollow. If someone says something hateful, block. If you fill your life with light there is no room for darkness.

    How did you figure out what foods work best for your’e body to help in healthy weight loss?

    – I did an elimination diet. Meaning I ate mostly protein and greens for a week and slowly added in foods one at a time like you would for an infant. I paid close attention to what worked about what didn’t. It was a long process, but totally worth it.

    Best time to eat before // after workouts? 

    – I eat an hour before my workouts and within 90 minutes after. For me, I lift better with a pre-workout protein and a post workout carb.

    How did your fitness journey start? I want to be fit but I don’t want to fad diet.

    – I just started. I didn’t wait for Monday or the 1st of the month or the new year. In my experience, I think people over complicate the process. It is only as hard as you make it. I threw out the foods I knew I couldn’t resist. I filled my fridge with greens and protein. I cooked instead of eating out. I scheduled my workouts like they were the most important thing on my to-do list and it became my way of life. Zero shortcuts. Just effort.

    What’s your workout schedule? 

    – I love this question because I don’t really have a schedule. Basically, I know I will lift on Wednesday with my trainer but the rest of the week is kind of open. I used to have specific lifts on certain days, but then I would get frustrated if the equipment I needed was taken or if the gym was too crowded. So now, I schedule an hour per day to workout 7 days a week. I hold at least an hour to move or stretch or spin or lift. I listen to my body. I move the way it needs for that particular day. Ideally, I lift back//biceps, chest/triceps/shoulders, legs each twice. At least some conditioning and 1-2 spin classes a week. I do two-a-days when I am doing cardio (meaning paired with a lifting day). My body is conditioned enough to do so. Start slow, work up to it.

    Processed With Darkroom

    What’s the hardest struggle for you? Do you have any tricks for falling off track and getting back on track? 

    – I don’t know if I have a struggle anymore. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!? I don’t beat myself up for having cookies or pizza. I have them and move on. It’s not getting off track, it’s living. I live most of my life eating clean, nutrient dense foods so one cookie won’t kill me. When you take the pressure off yourself magic happens.

    How did you become a part of stRIDE?

    – Tori called me one night and told me about stRIDE. She and Jess had both taken my classes before and said I was a fit for the studio that would soon some to life. Without hesitation, I agreed to join them. I didn’t know much. I knew that whatever they were doing, I needed to be a part of it. I knew it would be life changing. I was right.

    When did you start doing Pilates? What made you want to teach? 

    – I started practicing Pilates when I was 19. I started teaching when I was 20. I loved the way it made me feel…euphoric almost…like the purest natural high. I needed to give that to other people. One day, I realized I was good at the teaching thing. That I was good at the connection part and making people giggle. Being the bright spot in someones bad day is a blessing I will never get used to.

    What is your biggest physical insecurity? 

    – My lower belly!!! UGH I can’t get rid of that last little bit of fat you know?!??! T god for high waisted leggings ya know?!?!

    Ultimate reason for getting fit? 

    – I wanted to be healthy for the first time in my life. There is nothing more important than your health. I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t going to quit this time. I did it for me and only. I think that is why I found success. My reasons weren’t superficial or fleeting. They were real, personal and authentic. You can’t fall off track from being authentic. You can’t find yourself in a wrong way. The journey is so personal. Everyone’s story is different, unique and beautiful.

    Keep an eye out for Part II



  • HIIT: Burn by Burpees

    OKAY this HIIT is H A R D.

    Like really hard. Burpees on repeat. AKA we are going to be BURNING major fat.


    My Sunday Squad at Lifetime killed this one. It’s worth literally every horrid second. As always modify if it just isn’t working in your hot little bod today. We do what we can when we can.

    I love that these workouts are FIFTEEN minutes. There is zero excuse for not having 15 minutes. Let’s be real, you spend more time than that contemplating what to say to your latest Bumble match (hello I have been there).

    Burpees BLOW. But they are effective. The pain is temporary. The results are real. Modify if you need to, but don’t give up. It gets better as you get stronger.

    To see how to set up your timer, go to Week One or click HERE.

    You will need a set of weights you can comfortably press over head. Remember we do each exercise for 45 seconds, three times through.

    Let’s get into it

    Burpee with Toe Taps:

    – Start standing. Place hands on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, tap opposite hand to opposite foot ( right hand to left foot bending the knee outward quickly switch)

    Plank Shoulder Taps into Mountain Climbers

    – Start in a plank position tap your right hand to your left shoulder, repeat on the left side. Complete ten mountain climbers driving your knees into your chest.

    Burpee with an over head press (DUMBBELLS NEEDED)

    – Start standing with dumbbells in your hands. Place dumbbells  on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, extent your arms over head.

    Plyometric Lunges

    – Lunge your left leg behind you aiming to create a 90 degree angle at both knees. Jump up switching legs. You can also skip the jump and simply keep the lunge.

    Surfer Burpee 

    – Start standing. Place hands on the floor and jump feet back to land in a plank position. Quickly jump feet back in toward your hands. As you stand, land like you would on a surfboard. Standing in a squat slightly in a squat rotated in your waist. Next time jump up and rotate to the other side. The key here is time under tension.

    Push Ups

    – Plank position bend your elbows. Press your body back up in one motion. You can also drop to your knees.

  • Barbie Hair 101


    Okay I get a million questions about my hair every single day so I figured it was def time to give you a blog post.

    Maintaining HEALTHY long blonde hair is challenging. The icier you get, the more damage that is done. No one wants crusty, dry dead hair.


    Biggest question I get: How long do I go between washes? Ummmm at LEAST three days, but usually 5-7. I have pushed it wayyyyy past the 7th day but then it becomes questionable hygiene wise ya know? This 7day dirty situation didn’t happen over night. I had to train my hair. It took about a summer to do so. Patients is KEY. Hats, braids and dry shampoo are necessary. It’s easy, in theory…just don’t wash it. In practice, it’s annoying. And kind of gross. BUT TOTALLY WORTH IT. If you want an entire post dedicated to hair training… let me know.

    I live for Batiste mostly because my local Whole Sale store sells it in bulk, (ya girl love buying in bulk) but also because it works and it smells clean. I’m telling you, Alex has no idea just how long its been in-between washes until I volunteer the information…. but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

    Being Barbie Blonde is drying so you need a salon quality moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Always ask your stylist what that suggest for your hair type. But salon quality can be pricey but you don’t want to spend a small fortune on your hair and then LITERALLY wash the color away. NO THANKS

    No one like brassy blonde, so we use purple shampoo at LEAST once a week. Truthfully, I use it almost every wash unless I feel like my hair is super dry. I love Joico. I have been exclusively using Joico since my first taste of icy blonde in 2016. Icy is an addiction. The icier the better, but also like the more damaged your luscious locks get ya know. I also use their conditioner because I just feel like it locks in the Ice Queen vibes the BEST.

    Okay, so what do I ask for at the salon?? HEAVY foils. The whole dang head. Wait until the color is past what the inside of a banana looks like then finish with an ashy purple toner. Bring pictures. Talk realistic expectations. Aka you can’t go from Wednesday Adams vibes to Malibu Barbie in one day. It takes time. ALSO schedule your highlights for every 6-12 weeks and always get a trim on the 12th week.

    When it comes to products, I’m sooooo lazy. Truthfully I don’t use many. I’m not committed to any specific brands. I keep a root lifting powder and hair spray. THAT’S IT. I use the root lifting powder whenever I style my hair. I use the hairspray when I curl it. Low to no maintenance is my preference. Always.



  • Instagram Q + A: Part I

    WOW WOW WOW I got sooooo many questions so we are going to do this in TWO parts. Thank you for caring enough to ask. Social media is coolest because I get to connect with so many people. You still have time to ask so hop over to my instagram story or sliddddee in my DMs.

    How do you overcome temptations (aka chick fil a or ice-cream)

    – I don’t. I have them just super rarely. I don’t allow junk in my apartment… I will sit in my car and eat a cookie because I don’t want it in my ‘safe space’. I set myself up for success by creating a place where everything I have to eat is healthy. If I’m craving something badly enough to DRIVE to get it, then I have it.

    How did you become a Pilates Instructor and what made you so passionate about fitness?

    – My passion comes from My Story. Im thankful for what my body is able to do, for how strong and healthy it is and that is my primary motivation. I don’t have weight goals anymore. I only make fitness goals. To me, they are far more motivational. I became a pilates instructor after falling in LOVE with it. The studio where I was practicing was hosting a training with Peak Pilates which is an amazing program so I jumped at the opportunity. I have been teaching ever since.

    What keeps you moving when you want to quit and take the easy way out?

    – I will never allow myself to be the sick and weak minded person I spent so many years being. When I realized I had the power to control and change every situation in my life it ignited a fire in me. When I am lifting and Im ‘done’ I go to YouTube and find a speech from a Navy Seal or Army Ranger. My squats or the last 30 minutes of cardio are NOTHING compared to what they have done so it gives me perspective.

    Best tips for those just starting their weight loss journey?

    – JUST START. Everyone was a beginner at some point…no one wakes up super fit. You can be naturally thin or genetically have a large muscle mass. Those things help, but you have to earn fit which is why it’s so attractive to me. Schedule your workouts. Make sure you love (or at least like) the way you sweat. BE CONSISTENT…not for two weeks, not for 4 months, for YEARS. It takes time…sooo much time, but it’s worth it. Make non-scale goals…I give myself different fitness challenges. TAKE PICTURES. You will want them during the times the scale isn’t moving, but your body is changing.

    How did you start with clean eating?! That’s my biggest struggle

    – I hired a coach. ( Food was my hurdle too. Something about Joymarie’s program changed my mindset. I have a completely different relationship with food now. I keep my apartment a ‘safe space’ so there is no junk here. I set myself up for success in my house so if I choose to indulge, I can walk away from it later.

    Legit. How much hot sauce do you go through?

    – two BIG costco bottles of Franks a month. Thats embarrassing. 

    Was there a point in your life that you didn’t know what you were going to do with it?

    – I still don’t know what Im doing with my life. I don’t know how Im going to do it, but my only goal is to make a lasting positive impact on the world. I want to help people live healthier better lives. For the longest time, I thought I was going to do that through nursing. Now Im doing it through Pilates. Who knows what I will be doing 5 years from now.

    How do you have the energy you do and sustain it all day?

    FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT. I have to-do lists and I go go go until they are done. This is not always the healthiest and I’m working on it!! The other day I took a nap even thought my sink was FULL of dishes. I guess it’s just who I am. My parents are the same why so I have never questioned long, busy days. Biggest tip…don’t sit down. If I sit during the day (to rest not to work) there is a very little chance I will get back up. I also do all my least favorite things first thing in the morning so Im half asleep and save my favorite things for the evening so I have something to look forward to! That keeps me going for sure!!

    Tips on getting rid of belly fat…it’s my problem area and Im so self conscious about it.

    ME TOO GIRL ME TOO. So you can’t spot reduce fat. You have to lose total body fat, and where you lose it is up to your genetics. Diet is going to be MAJOR. Belly fat is protective. Think about what is behind it, all your precious organs. Which is WHY it’s the hardest to get rid of. In addition to eating squeaky clean, you can increase your metabolism with weight lifting. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns at rest HOLLA. Cardio is also your friends but not too much because you will leave the fat burning zone and start burning the muscle you worked so hard to make!

    Because I didn’t want this to be a novel, Im going to cut it off here! Let me know what else you NEED to know.




    Ps all the pictures are by Corinne at Silverbox Creative Studio