WHY on Earth Do I wake up at 4am?
Well, the answer is simple, I like to get ishhhh done. If you haven’t noticed my life is coocoo bananas. Im literally always on the go. My jeep is my home. My apartment is just where I keep my ice roller and barbie dream sauna.
If I have to watch my tiny hineys from 6a-7p I am going to be DRAINED. I still need clean pants, to empty my dishwasher and workout. Sooooo I discovered, if I do my chores//cleaning//laundry in the morning I am FAR more motivated to get to the gym at night.
Most of my meal prep, straightening up and laundry happens between 4/5am. I cook my chicken and bleach my whites with coffee and a new YouTube video. I do my dishes, make my bed and get ready listening to Frank Sinatra. It’s the time of day I have mostly to myself. I can read emails, instagram comments and Facebook messages without getting too many instant replies back (minus other people in fitness, we are all up crazy early).
Imagine getting home and having ALL your chores DONE. Food cooked, house clean and laundry complete. Imagine all you could do with that found time… The gym. Real Housewives. Reading. Spending quality time with your family.
“Okay Katie but you don’t have kids messing your house all day”
I get it, my set up is dreamy. I have my own space. But, ask me if the house I nanny at is always straightened before I put dinner on the table… surprise!! The answer is yes.
HOW? I ask the kids politely to clean up their messes so we can do something FUN after I clean up dinner. If the playroom is clean, we can play X,Y or Z, we can read the next chapter in our book, we can play outside or make a quick trip to the park.
Back to business. HOW does one become insane enough to wake up at that ungodly hour? JUST DO IT. Set the alarm(s). Set up the timer on your coffee maker. Bribe yourself. The first few days are ummmmm not fun. After the first week you will be golden.
Okay Katie, but you don’t have your tiny hineys EVERYDAY at that hour so what do you do those other days? I go to stRIDE or F45. The key is to maintain getting up that early. Sleeping in for me is 6am. Later than that will make the next time I have to be up at 4am a bear.
I also make sure I get at least 6 hours of sleep… 7 on a great night. I know I could use more but have you seen my schedule????? It’s not going to happen.
Try it for a WEEK. Seven days. Tell me what happens. I think you will loveeeee your extra hours.