GIRL if you have been following me you K N O W I love to train. My workouts have been HOT fire lately and Im noticing major changes in my bod because of it. I have D Y I N G to share it with you. Mostly because I have been cutting (aka losing weight) and getting stronger which is counterintuitive. Typically, when you lose body mass, you lose strength…which is exactly what I didn’t want. I have // had (I crushed several already) B I G fitness goals before turing 25 and I couldn’t lose strength while trying to achieve them.
Okay, let’s talk lifting. I have been doing an 2 upper // 2 lower days split. The reason being it gives me more freedom and control. I’m not married to chest and triceps on Monday…I can do them whenever my heart desires. So if it’s Meathead Monday and I can’t get a bench, I can still sweat it out with lat pulls and pull ups. BUT here is the real secret… I lift with intensity. Like I need that minute of rest in between sets to let my heart rate fall. My goal is to always be the hardest working one in the gym (not the strongest or fittest). I push my weight… as much as I can safely move…with energy and explosiveness.
F45… Im just going to apologize for how obnoxious I have been with my obsession with F45 but if you tried it, you wouldn’t blame me. It is humbling is the best way. If Orange Theory and Crossfit had a weekend fling in Vegas and had a fitness baby, it would be F45. The classes focus on functional movement while increasing your heart rate. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are cardio based….. and W O W. Tuesday and Thursday are more resistance based. My brother threw up three times the first time he went. Boyfriend, had to lay on the floor for a solid 3 minutes after. It is HARD CORE. In the best way. And you get a WEEK for free. I mean how amazing. My favorite days are the cardio days because I SUCK at them. They leave me drained, and sometimes frustrated but I know thats were I will make the most progress.
Playing Outside… you probably know Im a nanny and I spend a good portion of my day playing. Here is the deal, playing is amazing. Hill sprints, tag, monkey bars, hikes, obstacle courses you name it, we play it. Lately, we have been obsessed with my agility ladder. HELLO footwork, and sprints WHILE working. Also, watching the kids fall head over heels with fitness makes my heart sing. The little girl told me last week, “Katie, I can’t believe it!!! Im getting strong just like you!!”
All of these things contribute to my progress and weight loss, but none reduce my strength because they ADD to it. Even the cardio classes at F45…I mean it’s hard to lose strength when your cardio is a burpee with a box jump or a clean right???
I hope you have the BEST day!!! The countdown to TWENTY FIVE has begun. We have less than T W O weeks people