
  • How To Stay Hydrated 101

    I am hella hydrated 24/7. I drink water all dang day. Im insanely upset when my pee isn’t crystal clear (psycho I know).

    Water is crazy important. You already know water makes up most of your body mass, that it flushes toxins and that your skin will glowwww after just a few days of proper hydration. However, I never realized that WATER is a struggle for people. I chug-a-lug all day long with zero issues, however I know Im in the minority so let’s talk tips//tricks so you be sprinting to the bathroom as often as me!


    I carry BPA free, reusable straws everywhere. These are my FAV. Catch me sipping coffee, water, green juice and rosé with these babies. Fun Fact: a few years ago I had literally 30 graduation parties to attend in like a month. I always knew which cup was mine because of the straw. I literally bring them everywhere. (PS: disposable plastic straws kill baby turtles so I don’t use them anymore)


    This is a no brainer…my cups // mugs // jugs of water are accessories. If Im having a babysitting // park going // playdate attending type of day Im bringing my black and silver 24oz Starbucks cup (it has a straw duh). If Im lifting // working at home // leaving the house for hours and hours Im bringing my HydroJug (pink is currently sold out but they have other supercute colors) because its cute and practical…2.2 liters of water on the GO. HECKKK YES. I pick my bottles like I pick my outfit. It needs to make sense for my schedule that day. This is KEY is you want to make sure your actually drinking.


    This is literally my advise for everything. I schedule my water intake like a meeting. I have 24oz due at 9am gotta hit it. Then again at 11. Deadlines motivate me. I am a procrastinator by natural I need to feel the pressure therefore I schedule it. It also feel good to cross water off my todo list for that hour. Try it. Set timers on your phone. Put post-its on your computer. Any reminder will help!

    Tell me…are you HELLA hydrates like me or to you ride the struggle bus when it comes to drinking?



  • The world’s dreamiest bedroom

    Your bedroom is the most important room in your house. It is where you unwind, rest and recover. It is the one place in the world where you should feel the most comfortable. For me, my bedroom is the place I always want to be…ninety percent of the time I counting down the seconds until I get to crawl back in bed.

    I don’t share my room with anyone on a day to day basis which means I got to decorate it exactly how I wanted. The focal point, clearly being my bed with the show-stopping pillows, is my personal definition of heaven. The different textures mixed with the variations of colors… I mean it’s perfection right?

    My nightstands were a gift from my father, Patrick, who knew I was going to get them ‘eventually’ after I got settled. I have been talking about a mixed metal situation with mirrored nightstands for probably three-ish years. He found them on Wayfair and totally surprised me. Thanks Pat… you’re the real MVP.

    As for my shelves… this is a story. I made them. Super cheap. IKEA for the shelves, gold spray paint and marble contact paper. Now that wasn’t always the plan. I asked for a bar cart for Christmas several years ago and nothing I found was what I was envisioning. Frustrating. Okay so then I was like, “gold and marble shelves please”….. which were I M P O S S I B L E to find. Annoying. If you haven’t noticed, if I want something I make sure I get it.  Beyoncé once said, “I dream it, I work hard I grind ’til I own it”.  Amen Queen B.

    So I (meaning my little brother Matt) assembled the shelves. I (really me this time) spray painted the shelves G O L D and then I (but actually it was my mom) covered the ugly plain shelves with contact paper. Amazing right? I really really love them.

    Side note: If you do this little DIY in your garage (like I did) there will be gold spray paint literally everywhere for years. (Whoops)

    And that is the story of how my room came to be! Tell me, what is the most important part of your bedroom? Are you a pillow psycho like me? Do my pillows give you anxiety? LET ME KNOW



  • BODY by The Pilates Blonde

    BODY by The Pilates Blonde.

    BODY is an eight week program designed to help you achieve the healthiest version of you. We start with an evaluation consisting of simple compound movements to see your strengths and to see where there are the greatest opportunities for growth. We will measure progress is based on improvement of FITNESS LEVEL. We will be aiming to improve in the evaluation while analyzing progress pictures, measurements and lastly the scale.

    Each week you will receive three follow along at home workout videos. One will always be High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) style cardio…these will be short. 15-20 minutes max. The other two workouts will vary. They may be focused on a particular muscle group. Others may be total body. The length of the two other videos will vary to give you a variety and options to fit your schedule.

    In addition to the workout videos, I will be posting four lifting workouts each week. You will get to see EXACTLY what I am doing in the gym on a daily basis. This is for those of you who already have an existing gym membership and need ideas and accountability to get to the gym.

    I will be hosting weekly video chat meetings… either via Zoom or Facebook live… based on whats easiest for the group. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get direct answers in real time. Plus you get to connect with other members who may be having the same struggle as you.

    My goals is to create a community striving to become the healthiest and happiest version of themselves. We will share our successes and struggles. We will motivate and challenge each other to be better each week.

    You’re $100 payment gives you access to EVERYTHING listed above, eight weeks of workouts, endless support, accountability, motivation and progress!!

    Send an email to to get your spot in the group!!

    Payment can be mail in via check (address given via email) or made directly via VENMO thepilatesblonde

    GET EXCITED BABES!!! I cant wait to work with you!!

  • The real story behind the fake ring

    Ladies, we have all been there. You are living your best life minding your own dang business and a ‘gentleman’ decided to take it upon himself to ruin your day with an aggressive pick up line. It’s the worst. I mean how hard it is to be polite when asking a girl for her number. A N Y W A Y

    I honestly try my very best to avoid situations where I could set myself up for unwanted attention. There is one place I can’t seem to avoid it. The gym. Most of the time, I go to the gym with my boyfriend or I lift at my parents house so it’s a non-issue. However, there is the occasional situation where I have to lift alone…in public.

    Honestly, I do everything I can to blend in. I wear a hat, no makeup, headphones blasting, resting bitch face… the whole nine. I make sure Im the least approachable girl in the entire building. You would think that would be a deterrent.


    One day it was so insanely out of control I left the gym in the middle of a set…like three reps deep. I was sick of being looked at and tired of being polite when asked if I was free later. Like honestly I don’t know what is appealing about a girl sweating through her shirt…. Im 100% sure I smelled like a farm animal.

    As I dramatically stormed out of the gym, I knew I needed to come up with a solution to my problem. I got in the car, opened up my Amazon app and started searching for a fake engagement ring. Honestly guys, I was feeling like a genus. $10 for a 3 carat EFF OFF ring. SOLD.

    I know, I know it sounds crazy. Probably because it is crazy. Im aware of my flaws.

    Now the only thing left to do was tell my boyfriend about my latest bat shit crazy purchase. I told him the story and how I left in the middle of BACK DAY (which is my favorite). Luckily he is super supportive and laughed about it.

    If this sparkly show stopper was the real deal it would retail for 30k. (I will stick to my fake rock thank you very much.) Since I got her two days after the gym fiasco, I have taken her with me everywhere. She is my in case of emergency escape for any situation.

    The gym, the bar, the produce aisle of Kimberton Whole Foods… this baby comes in handy. 10/10 recommend if you, like me, would rather spoon out your own eyeballs than play nice by the pears.

    Please tell me the craziest thing you have done to avoid getting hit on. Im dying to know!

