
  • Snapchat Recap: July 5-10th

    Hey Babes!! I am so overwhelmed with the insane response to my last post. The last week has been filled with a lot of heartache in the media. I feel it is necessary to combat the negativity  with love and positivity. I would LOVE it if you could email ( me a picture with a paragraph of someone who is really important to you. Someone who goes above and beyond for others and who you feel deserves recognition. I will do the same and post a few every Saturday starting next week!

    Alsoooooo Im pretty excited to announce a new feature to my brand. I promised myself that once I had 200 return readers to every post I would make a YouTube channel. I was thinking it would take months for my blog to gain a following, but to my surprise it took off right from the start.

    I cant believe the amount of support I have gotten in the past month and because you all are SO wonderful, you will be getting YouTube videos starting VERY soon. You can expect cooking videos, workouts, plus some vlogs. Please bear (Read: yes this is the right bear…I googled) with me as I figure out this new layer to my brand… I am learning so much everyday and I am excited to give you content in a new way!

    This weeks Sunday Snap Re-cap mainly comes from the last two-ish days. I have been tirelessly studying how to make videos and watching YouTubers to see how they incorporate their brand into video. After working very hard all week I finally got to see some of my favorite people for the first time in monthsssss. First was a girls night I hosted. I made dinner and we had a dance party in my kitchen, typical night for The Blondes. Saturday I was at my friend Matt’s for a party with my friends from college. I LOVE that even though I haven’t seen these guys in a while nothing has changed. This weekend was a much welcomed break.

    What did you all do this week? Do you have any requests for videos? Write me a love note in the comment section and let me know!



  • Love Yourselfie

    I have been having a rough few days. You know when you are working hard, doing everything you’re expected to do (and then some) and someone everything still manages to blow up in your face?

    This morning, I woke up telling myself it was going to be a good day. I took a long shower, made dog food, folded laundry, made myself breakfast//lunch and went to pilates. Im sitting at my TPB themed desk with candles burning with a warm cup of coffee and Beyonce playing in the background ( Sorry on repeat ). I took some time to scroll through the 1,414 screenshots I have on my phone.

    About a year ago I started taking screenshots of my friends snapchat selfies. I knew they could see that I was doing it but I didnt tell them why. I took a screenshot every time I thought they were beaming with happiness or when I thought they looked incredibly beautiful or when they were being super silly. I screenshot funny conversations, quotes, tweets…pretty much anything that I know I can turn a bad day around. So what do I do with these 1,414 screenshots? Im glad you asked…

    I randomly send my friends a collage of pictures with a paragraph or two about why they are so special to me. I tell them all my favorite things about them, things that they might not know people notice. I know how good it makes me feel when I write them those messages, I usually cry while writing them, so I can only imagine how it makes them feel. I think it is important to tell people how much they mean to you outside of their birthday or a special occasion.

    Okay so today, pick a friend or two, maybe someone who you haven’t seen in a while and write them a love note to tell them all the little things you adore about them. Then tell me how made them feel, and how it changed your day, because it will. I think I might take this concept and make it bigger….maybe a hashtag… #TPBloveyourselfie Thoughts? Do you have a better hashtag? Let me knowwwwwww.

    How cool would it be to highlight the people you love the most? Maybe we will have an online event were you send me email//facebook messages//DMs about your bomb ass squad and then I post a couple every Sunday. My head is spinning with ideas.

    Long story short let’s build up other girls. If you have a better way to do it leave me a love note in the comment section!!

    Ps enjoy my favorite selfies of my friends!



  • Backbone to The Blonde: Extreme Gym

    Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July. Mine was lovely, a small BBQ at our house with plenty of food and most importantly laughter… being that I have become a 23 year old grandma I was pumped to be in bed by 9 o’clock.

    Today I am starting a new series on the blog… Backbone to the Blonde. Basically, I have seen people close to me lose their way and get trapped in a web of negativity. When you become so caught up in what other people are doing, you can lose sight of your own path. Truly happy people lift other up instead of putting each other down. TPB is a place for pure positivity.

    My blog has been very successful, far more than I EVER expected. I purposely worked with a very specific group of people who I couldn’t appreciate more. Backbone to The Blonde is exactly what it sounds like…small businesses, friends and mentors who helped and supported me through this process and beyond. I want to showcase these people and places so you too can experience them. I am so fortunate to have the insane amount of support that I do and I feel it is so important for me to share with you the people I want to support the most.

    Extreme Gym

    If you are my friend on Facebook, you KNOW I live and breath for Extreme. It is open 24 hours a day, has a full weight room and offers classes (yoga, cycling, TRX, boxing, bootcamps, etc.). Honestly, Extreme Gym is the perfect combination of a gym and studio. There are 530am classes for those who work as well as evening//night classes. Did I mention it is open 24 hours a day… so no excuses about inconvenience. The classes are hard, really hard but there the instructors are skilled enough to provide safe alternatives for injuries or people just beginning to drive into fitness. I have to mention it is the cleanest gym… probably on planet earth. The floors get mopped maybe a dozen times a day. If there are back to back classes in the spin room not only will the bikes be fully wiped down but the floor is mopped. The members take care of the gym just as well as the owners because we truly care about the equipment as much as they do.

    Im not exaggerating when I say it is like a family. The members of Extreme have become friends… real friends, not just on Facebook. Over the weekend a big group of us went paddle boarding. We motivate and push each other to be better. The people at Extreme ask you if your dog is feeling better or how your nursing test went because they actually care. One day, after a really bad fight with someone close to me I went to the gym. I sat with one of the owners and two others and we talked for 2 hours. It was like free therapy. Each one of us had something major going on and we all cried and talked it out. So so so amazing.

    On a side note, I wasn’t looking to lose weight when I joined Extreme, I just wanted a place to work out and have fun. I enjoy hard workouts that are constantly changing. I jumped on the scale randomly last week and I am down 11 pounds in the last few months (to be honest I don’t use the scale to track progress so I have no idea how long I have been dropping lbs) Almost all of my workout are at Extreme.

    Im telling you it is THE place to be. If you don’t believe me, come try a class for FREE! Just tell them I sent you!! Also, there is current a groupon $20 for a month of gym access… seriously you aren’t going to find a better deal!

    I hope to see you at Extreme



  • Snapchat Recap: June//July

    Happy Monday and 4th of July!! I know it has been awhile… a week… since my last post but I PROMISE I have been working on a lot of super super SUPER exciting things. I am trying some new health and wellness products and new pilates based workouts to bring you the best information possible. Research along with trial and error take time so in about a month or so I will be able to give you a TON of information on some changes I’m making.

    If you follow me on snapchat you know I have been out of town for most of last week. I went to Long Island for my youngest brothers lacrosse tournament…this is his last summer of travel and I will actually miss the long, sweaty days of back to back games.

    Here is you Snap Recap for the last week! Long car rides, lacrosse games, paddle boarding and some fun. Follow on snap (Katie_Dudley to keep up with the crazy! Have a happy and safe 4th of July!!