
  • The Skinny on Intermittent Fasting

    The Skinny on Intermittent Fasting

    I truly contemplated whether or not this was something I was going to share so early into the process. I have always promised to be an open book and I feel strongly about taking you through this with me live. 

    I have (after weeks of research) decided to give intermittent fasting (IF) a whirl. I have been eyeing up this style of eating years but with my 4am-10pm on the go lifestyle It was literally impossible. 

    NOTE: I knew that this method wouldn’t have worked for my previous schedule therefore I didn’t set myself up for failure. I waited until IF fit into my life. I’m sharing my journey, not telling you to do this too. That is not the point of this post…I’m simply sharing my why with you.

    What is intermittent fasting?

    It’s a method of eating with periods of fasting and eating…without knowing it, you fast too. Breakfast… literally means ‘to break the fast’. While we sleep we are in a fasting state giving our body ample time to repair and recover. I’m simply extending those fasting hours. So instead of eating from when I wake up until bedtime, I condense my consumption to an 8-hour window. 

    There are dozens of ways to fast. Im going with the 16:8 method meaning I fast for 16 hours and eat for 8. There is the 12:12 split or the 20:4 ratio. You could also do 18:6. You eat normally during your eating window and stop when your time is up. It’s that easy. 

    EDIT: You still eat your normal calorie intake… just in a shortened time frame. Im still hitting well over 2,000 a day… just in 8 hours. 

    You know I love science…It’s the nurse in me. I truly cannot help It. Fasting is done to promote autophagy which too is put simply is the body healing and cleaning itself. Short-term fasting leads to a dramatic upregulation in neuronal autophagy aka the BRAIN functions at a higher level. Essentially your body cleans the neurons in your spine and brain. Who couldn’t use a more efficient brain? Need to see the science for yourself? You can read the super scientific dirty details HERE. 

    or read:  Circadian Code + The Cruise Control Diet

    or watch: Fasting on Prime Video

    PS: there is nothing that grinds my gears more than someone changing their entire lifestyle for a week based on a 1.5 hour documentary or even a blog post. FACT CHECK their sources, doctors and so-called experts before you believe 100% of what is said. That includes me.

    IF is also said to reduce inflammation as evidence by the decrease in monocytes in the bloodstream. Monocytes are white blood cells which are a marker of invaders in the body. When you are sick you have an increase of white blood cells in your labs showing that your body is fighting infection or inflammation. As someone with autoimmune issues, I pay close attention to my whites cell count. Anything that decreases inflammation is key for me to remain in remission. 

    Let’s be superficial for a second…please note I saved the fluffy stuff for last because it’s truly the least important in my eyes… It is said that autophagy is the KEY to anti-aging. UMMMM hello… you know I have a deep-rooted FEAR of wrinkles so this was a selling point to me. There is also quite a bit of evidence to suggest IF is good for weight loss. Now weight loss only occurs when one is eating in a caloric deficit so there are other ways to eat less and lose weight without fasting however IF can be a useful tool. 

    It’s hard to argue against science but I need to play devil’s advocate. If you have a history of disordered eating this method could be a trigger for you therefore maybe not the best choice. It’s also not something to start if your pregnant or trying to get pregnant. OR if your schedule is like mine used to be, it would be impossible for you to be successful. 

    If you’re wanting to test It out but aren’t sure if It’s safe for you, call your doctor. 

    My Experience (so far)

    My body is still waking up naturally between 4-5am. Waiting to eat until 12/1pm is tricky and I’m only on day two. Remember I did extensive research… and having pure FAT during your fast is fine because fat doesn’t alter your blood glucose levels. Pure fat meaning ZERO carbs, ZERO protein on the nutrition label. SO, coffee with coconut oil or butter is FINE.

    I am not the biggest fan of drinking butter because health, however, a little bulletproof coffee has been my saving grace for hunger. The plan is to be off the bulletproof coffee by the end of week two when my body has had time to adjust to the lifestyle change. 

    I have been drinking 2-3 liters of water in the morning with tea or black coffee. When I start to get hungry around 8/9am I make bulletproof coffee which has been holding me over to my eating window at 12. I also make sure my fasting periods are busy so I don’t have time to think about being hungry. The last hour is tricky but I spend the first 30 minutes meditating and the last cooking. That has been helpful. 

    I have been breaking my fast with veggies or a smoothie to easy my belly into stretching out and then eating two big meals during my eating hours. I haven’t been restrictive with treats… just moderation per usual ( I love gluten-free cookie dough… sue me).

    I was SUPER hungry night one and had a difficult time sleeping. (Again) I did my research and that’s normal during the one-two week adjustment period. 

    Guys if you want weekly updates… LET ME KNOW. I’m down to share the good, bad and ugly. I like to give the people what they want. 

    Make good choices. Look both ways. Love you the most 


  • Connecting Your Gift to Your Passion

    Connecting Your Gift to Your Passion

    Seven years ago, I found pilates in the same space that is now my studio. I remember sitting on the reformer one day after class thinking…This is what I am supposed to do. So, in the middle of nursing school and nannying… I swan dove into the deep end and signed up for a Pilates certification. I was 19. I was good at nursing, patient care and loved learning but knew that the hospital wasn’t my end game. 

    Early on, I saw how seamlessly my textbook nursing knowledge fit into my passion for teaching. I could relate to my clients on a deeper level because I know the pathophysiology of their injuries or disease processes as well as the side effects of medications. 

    Confession: I thought being an instructor would be a cakewalk. 

    I was in school to save lives…What I was studying was literally life or death. I could handle teaching a little fitness class. 

    BOY… was I wrong. 

    First of all… my cert was so dang hard. I mean I was a mess. I cried. Probably everyday…mostly over the roll-up. That shit is hard. 

    I would have class or clinical in the morning, nanny in the afternoon//the days I didn’t have class and at night I would study + practice Pilates. 

    I was super super lucky that the owner of the studio I practiced at allowed me to have a key. I would get to practice when there weren’t classes. I would set up my laptop and listen to lectures I recorded while I played on the reformer. 

    I’m an auditory learner so this was perfect for me. During exams, I would recall information based on the movement I was doing at that point in the lecture. (Example: The renin–angiotensin-aldosterone system is tree on the short box…as I lower my upper body hand my hands walk down leg I still think of fluid and electrolyte balance.)

    My schedule was crazy but I saw the big picture. Work now, play later was the mentality. Truth be told I think that has been my mentality for the last 7 years. My best friend Cait has this shirt she ironically always wears on the days I need It the most… It says “One day this pain will all make sense”  ( And on February 29, 2020… It did and Cait wore the shirt.)

    I want to be perfectly clear, I wasn’t a good instructor in the beginning…I had the potential for sure but there wasn’t a waitlist to be found. I love telling new instructors that when I first started teaching, clients would see I was subbing and WALKOUT. I mean literally leave the studio seeing the infant // inexperienced instructor at the front of the room. 

    I’m not going to lie, it stung the first few times It happened, but It was good for my ego and only made me work harder. The deeper I got into nursing the more I wanted to be at the studio. I would watch my patients move with faulty movement patterns and jump into teacher mode and cue them without even thinking. 

    Right before I finished nursing school I started working for lululemon. Part of my job description was to write out my goals. When I envisioned my future there weren’t scrubs or catheters to be found. I pictured owning a studio. I pictured dropping off my kids at preschool, teaching, writing and collaborative conference calls with other community leaders. 

    Three months after I put It in writing, I was offered a full time teaching position at a huge chain gym. I jumped at the opportunity. I was thrilled to pursue my calling…until I realized what 100% commission meant. I’m not cut out for corporate settings. 

    Listen, I’m zesty. I’m an HR nightmare (somehow by the grace of Jesus himself I was well-liked and never got in trouble for my cheeky stories). I love to push the envelope…I’m also not down to pimp supplements no matter how much commission I get. So I left and went back to nannying full-time. 

    Then I got the call about stRIDE. 

    stRIDE was the biggest blessing in my life. Never in my life have I had so much creative freedom. I was never told how to teach, what music to play or how to connect with clients. I was finally able to be my truest self. From day one, the clients embraced me. They opened their souls, shared their stories and booked classes a month out at midnight. It took only weeks for complete strangers to become my family. 

    stRIDE taught me more than I could ever put into words and It will forever be the place that gave me the space to be authentic. Because of stRIDE, The Studio by TPB came to fruition four years before I had planned. 

    In my mind, I would be married with a supportive husband and a toddler or two. I would own a house. I would be in my 30s, ‘stable’ (whatever that means), and know what I was doing. 

    Instead, I’m 26, very single and making it up as I go. I know how to teach. My gift is human connection. I know how to apply science + mindset to any format. But the business aspect, girl I am just winging It. Thank god for accountants, lawyers, and mentors. 

    My support system is hands down the best in the universe. Just thinking about my little family makes me cry. The fact that so many people support my dreams isn’t lost on me. My community has lifted me up. Local studio owners I didn’t think knew I existed reached out to celebrate me…pure magic. 

    Girls, If you have found your passion do not give up out of fear. I have been working towards this for seven full years. I have worked in four different studios, each gifting me with greater knowledge and experience. I met the most incredible humans every step of the way. Each one of those souls leaving their mark on mine, giving me the courage to follow my passion. 

    If you haven’t recognized your gift just yet, do not give up. I believe our gift shows up in all that we do. It is the trail of glitter we don’t know we are spreading in our day to day interactions. Mine isn’t teaching…It’s creating connections. I used it just as much in nursing as I do now. Your light shines bright. Listen to the feedback you’re getting. Find what makes you jump out of bed in the morning. Connect your gift to your passion and you will be unstoppable. 

    I’m still in a state of shock that I get to do what I love most all dang day. This wouldn’t be possible without you. Thank you. 

    Make good choices. Look both ways. Love you the very most! 


  • I’m Opening a Studio!!!

    I’m Opening a Studio!!!




    I have been keeping a huge secret. I, Katherine Elizabeth Dudley, am the proud owner of my very own studio. The Studio by TPB was born because I needed a space to grow. 

    (stRIDE before you panic read the whole thing)

    (peep the puppy bed!! Carter is coming to work)

    I needed an office and a reformer of my very own to connect + create. This is a direct result of the growth and guidance I have gotten from every studio owner I have worked for. THIS wouldn’t be possible without them. I give credit to every owner, instructor, friend and client who helped me get to this point. 

    This is a dream. 

    Keeping this from you was not easy but I needed my ducks to be in a row. (If you have taken a class with me you know I’m a chronic over-sharer with my heart on my sleeve.)

    My vision needed to be executed to perfection. 

    This all started from an earth-shattering conversation I had on October 30th sitting in traffic. What is the end game? How can you grow? What is the bigger picture? Are you using your gifts to your advantage? 


    I had to ask myself if I was doing enough. Was I breaking down barriers or sitting in complacency? How on earth can I expand my impact? How can I leave a legacy? 

    A week later, I was in a vision and goals session and I was guided to envision my happy place. It was pink, gold, light, airy and had a white reformer. It was calming and pretty but strong. That’s when it hit me. God + the universe were screaming at me…sending me every sign that I needed a space that was just me. A home base…The Studio was the clear answer. I just didn’t know how I was going to pull it off. 

    Corinne, my closest friend, mentioned there would be a space opening across from her photography studio. Ironically when she told me about the space she didn’t know I was having these feelings of growth + expansion. God is so dang good.

    (Mini tangent: You know my ADD having ass was going to get distracted…I told my dad about my dream studio and the insanely perfect location…he gave me the number for a monk prayer hotline. You guys, I wanted this so badly, so naturally, I called in the MONKS. Let me just tell you..those are some powerful prayers.  Anyway, here is the number 800-669-7729 )

    This space just so happened to be directly under studio where I became a certified Pilates instructor. Right under the studio that changed my life and gave me my freedom back…the studio that brought me to this place in my life. It’s poetic really. 

    My mind was set. I’m getting a headquarters… and an office. One reformer. One desk. Just me and my craft. 

    I will save you months of details//dotted lines and fast forward to today. I have never been more ready. I have never been more sure. This is good for me psychically, mentally and digestively. 


    During the week I will be offering private pilates, nutrition, and mindset coaching. On the weekends we will be doing group classes…Bootcamp // mat pilates. I will also be taking on sports teams at the high school, collegiate and professional levels to predict and prevent injury. 

    My end game is to work one on one with professional athletes. I want to correct their movement patterns and prevent them from injury to keeping them in their sport as long as possible. 

    That being said… I strategically picked equipment to work with clients with disabilities because Pilates gave me my life back and it’s my purpose to give that gift back out to the world. I’m on the first floor and completely wheelchair assessable…this was really important to me. 

    Pilates isn’t just for supermodels and rich housewives…pilates corrects imbalances in the body. It heals and strengthens simultaneously. Pilates healed my body and heart from my disability. I haven’t needed a pill or my handicap sticker in years all thanks to the practice. 


    You have been asking for MONTHS when I would be taking on new clients…. WELL, this is why I have been telling you to hold off… I wasn’t going to take on clients when I couldn’t give you my full attention. It wouldn’t be fair and you wouldn’t be nearly as successful. That being said… March 1 baby we talk about all things nutrition. 

    PS you do not have to be local… FaceTime is a beautiful thing!! 

    GROUP FITNESS (Saturday + Sunday only)

    Why groups on the weekends? 

    I have my tiny private studio Monday-Friday and I have the UPSTAIRS (where I started teaching 7 years ago) Saturday + Sunday!! The upstairs is HUGE and we can fit so many friends up there. This brings the community aspect into the space. Privates are incredible for fine-tuning details. Group classes create a family. I mean what is better than a Bootcamp then brunch in the village with your new friends?!?! (Read: nothing) 

    Bootcamp: This class is my heart and soul. We will be lifting, jumping and squatting our way to a new mindset. Comfort zone? Never met her! This class will challenge you and show you how incredible you are. Every move is at your own pace so all levels are welcomed and encouraged. 

    Athletic Pilates: think mat pilates with a fitness flair. We will use the power circle, resistance bands, and equipment I (my brother) made… that’s right, equipment you have NEVER seen or used before!! 

    Mat Pilates: keeping it classical.. we will be going through the classical order adding in extra stretches and advancements as necessary


    Oh baby… this is the fun stuff. This is for the teams that want to go the extra mile. The teams that are ready and willing to work on the details. It’s the little details that make the biggest difference. I do a movement assessment and develop week by week programming based on the player’s individual needs. I will only be taking on THREE times each season so book ASAP. 



    I am not leaving stRIDE. 

    (photograph by Corinne and Company)

    That’s right. 

    Get you a girl who can do both. ( I flipped my hair as I typed that. )

    I will be on the schedule at stRIDE Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings. Let me tell you I was shaking and crying telling my role models that, because of them, I was ready to chase my dream. Jess, Tori, Lauren, and Karen were overwhelmingly excited for me. They have said It from the start:

     empowered women, empower women.

     That is the beauty of stRIDE. 

    In this industry, it’s uncommon for people to WANT you to get better and go further. It’s uncommon for your owners to cheer you on as you open a new door. But here’s the thing, stRIDE has never been the norm. I was celebrated from the second they found out. I’m teary-eyed just thinking about it. How lucky am I to have learned from and been loved by the best? 

    They were just as excited for me as I am. That is what this industry is all about. I truly hope I can have an impact on lives the way they have impacted mine. 

    To my clients, you are the reason I will never walk away from stRIDE. You have been my first thought in the morning and my last before bed for a year and a half. You have taught me so much. You have supported and loved me in during some of the hardest days of my life. You have gifted me with your time and energy. You have trusted me with your secrets. I have laughed with you. I have cried with you. I have overshared with you. Thank you for trusting me with your truest self. You have no idea the impact you have left on my soul.

    The Pilates room at stRIDE is the support group we all need and without it, without you… I am not me.


    …the biggest, endless thank you to my parents for believing in my wildest dreams. I know I keep you on your toes and have never been one to follow a traditional path. Somehow, no matter how crazy the idea, you are always there to cheer me on and move my gold/marble shelves to yet another location. 

    Thank you for giving me the disillusioned confidence to share my passion, gift, and purpose with the world. 

    Thank you for all your help getting off the ground…this year was challenging. I have stumbled, fallen and crumbled. You were there to dry my tears and pick me up. You didn’t bat an eye when it came to measuring wall, putting together shelves and picking up my endless online orders. Thank you for giving me your work ethic and generous heart. I am forever thankful for everything you do for me.

    THAT’S THE TEA!!!!

    I hope you’re as surprised as I am that I was able to keep this secret…I am so excited for this new adventure. 

    (logo by silverbox creative studio)



    Thank you for your time. Thank you for your support. 

    Make good choices. Look both ways. I love you the very most. 



  • Artichokes Don’t Get Enough Credit: a Recipe

    Artichokes Don’t Get Enough Credit: a Recipe

    It’s time the artichoke gets her time to shine. I have been begging my mother to make artichoke since I was a tiny toddler. Three-year-old Katie lived for an artichoke moment.

    Not much has changed. 

    You will need:

    • frozen artichoke hearts 
    • Wegmans basting oil 
    • pink salt + pepper 
    • garlic powder 
    • gluten-free panko
    • gluten-free Italian bread crumbs 


    I throw the chokes in the pan frozen then drizzle them with basting oil on medium heat. Then I add the salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. I keep an eye the chokes stirring occasionally and scrolling through Instagram until they are no longer frozen and are starting to get a tad brown. 

    Then I add in the panko and bread crumbs (maybe 1/8th of a cup combine…I don’t measure. Sue me) 

    Next, I mix it all together and let it sit for about two minutes before I plate + devour it. 


    Make good choices. Look both ways. 

