
  • We Got a Makeover

    We Got a Makeover

    Welcome to our new website.


    So why the makeover? When I was dreaming of in 2016 TPB I knew I wanted to hire Blog-Doo. However, I was 20, broke and didn’t have any idea people would care about what I had to say. Investing in the design didn’t make sense at the time. So instead I dreamed about the day I would submit my name to be a client.

    Fast forward a few blog posts + a few thousand followers later It was time for us to upgrade. My dad shared my vision with my grandmother, who so generously gifted us this new website…so if you see Dolores Rose in the comments…thank her!!

    Why did we need a new look? It’s time to get serious. I’m not 20 anymore. I’m not writing for just my grandma to read. We have grown + matured together. I wanted us, you and I, to have a space to breathe. Space let loose and not worry about algorithms, filters or comments from weird guys.

    If you are here, reading this, I know your soul is kind and your intentions are pure. I can trust and open up to you in a way that is safer than in an Instagram story.

    YOU can connect with me on a deep level. It’s a new home base for us.

    Take a little tour of the site. READ my old posts. Laugh at the bad photography on my end because YIKES (this is something I will be working on…I PROMISE)

    While we’re at it, I figured I would show you our headquarters… my office.


    I love the little things in life.

    Pink pens + pencils. Family heirlooms. Cheeky little details…because let’s face it, the details matter.

    I love these pencils I found in a little boutique in the finger lakes. Which I searched EVERYWHERE to link them for you to buy apparently I got the last ones on the planet earth. UGH. They have other supercute ones you can find HERE.

    My office is my home base, to write, record and host meetings. It’s quiet and bright. I have citrus essential oils diffusing (specifically lemongrass, lime + orange from YoungLiving) and usually Frank Sinatra playing. Carter sits in the chair behind me overseeing the process.

    I try to keep the energy in here productive. It’s not a space to hang out in. I set up, work and get out. Keeping it a high energy space is important to me.

    My desk is glass + iron. Simple // Chic. I found it years ago and I think it will be my favorite piece forever.

    My shelves are a hot topic. I, being 20 and poor, couldn’t afford real marble shelves so I made my own. IKEA, gold spray paint and some marble contact paper go along way, my friends. The shelves house my favorite pictures, a tray from my grandmother, nick-nacks and important documents.

    This super chic tray was given to my grandmother from her sister. It’s timeless + elegant. I keep my favorite statement necklace along with a few bottles of perfume, none of which I wear. They are scents that my aunts, grammy, and cousins wear, so when I miss them I can fill the room with their smell. Super cheesy, I know but listen, Linda, It makes me happy okay.

    Carter and I spend hours in here creating + connecting. It’s the coziest little HQ on the planet and I love every inch.

    You guys…THANK YOU for being apart of this journey. You mean everything to me.

    Make good choices, look both ways! I love you the MOST.



  • Easy-Peasy Cauliflower

    Easy-Peasy Cauliflower

    You asked for recipes, you are getting recipes.

    On Sundays, I cook. It’s the one day a week I have off and I love to spend the afternoon in the kitchen listening to music, dancing around and writing a blog post while I stir.

    I typically make all my protein + two days worth of veggies. Full disclosure, I hate prepped veggies but can tolerate them if they are only two days old.

    Cauliflower is a staple in my diet + a fan favorite in my house. Honestly, I feel like cauliflower is FINALLY getting the attention she deserves. She is delicious. She is versatile. She is a hit at parties. Huge cauliflower girl over here.

    I preheated the oven to roast on 375. I like my cauliflower roasted to a crisp. I love a little blacked edges. Maybe set off the fire alarm once or twice for good measure.

    While the oven is warming I cut each ‘tree’ into slices…I make mine thin to ensure the crispy pieces. Embrace the mess…It’s part of the fun.

    Then I spread them on a baking sheet. Fun Fact: This one is a family treasure from my Great Aunt Helen so I love to include her.

    I drizzle with Wegmans basting oil (which is so dang delish It should be illegal), pink salt + pepper.

    I pop the tray in the oven and wait for them to cook (and slightly burn) to my liking. SO GOOD.

    Then my least favorite part of the day… clean up.

    What’s your favorite way to make cauliflower… I’m always looking to spice things up!!

    Make good choices, Look both ways! Love you the most


  • It’s Like 2016 Katie… Only BETTER. The Lashes are BACK

    It’s Like 2016 Katie… Only BETTER. The Lashes are BACK

    2016 Katie is BACK.

    The lashes are on…the tan is developed…the hair is icy.

    Today we need to dive head first into the world of L A S H E S. I missed them so dang much. I consider myself a lash expert since I had them for over two years. I was counting down the seconds to feel like myself again.

    This morning I made my way to meet my friend and fellow stRIDE instructor, Gab at her little slice of heaven. I arrived at the Adolf Biecker Spa/Salon at 9:46am after teaching my 830 Fitness Pilates class at Lifetime in King of Prussia.

    I used the restroom that smelled like the Main Line…expensive and chic. Gab met me at the front desk and walked me down to the spa. I filled out paper work with a host of questions ensuring she and I were on the same page.

    When I was finished, Gab walked me back to a room where I met Kate (Insta: waxitwithkate). Gab + Kate were my lash dream team. They asked me my vision for my lashes… guys it’s so important to set expectations, for you and the stylist. I told them like the look of Ardell Wispies… classic and pretty.

    I settled down on a heated table with a pillow under my knees and the coziest blanket over me. Gab rubbed my scalp and had me inhale lavender essential oil to help me relax. She then placed patches infused with green tea + collagen (!!!) under my eyes to hold my lower lashes down. After taping the patches in place she and Kate worked their magic.

    The entire experience lasted less than 2 hours. It’s completely painless…you don’t feel a thing.  Take your finger and rub it against the ends of your lashes… THAT’S IT.

    The hardest part for me is the light… ya girl has sensitive eyes so I got a little teary.

    Gab uses Lashe. Honestly, they are the LIGHTEST lashes I have ever had. It doesn’t feel like I have ANYTHING on my lashes. It’s weightless. So what makes Lashe different? The adhesive and technique.

    “…The basic element of the technique is that you use a minimal amount of adhesive due to its concentrated formula. The extension is only wet at its base, up to 25% of its overall length. No “painting” of the lash with the adhesive. A major advantage of our technique is that, if you attach the extension properly (per our instructions) and the client does not have oily skin or uses oil-based products, the extension will stay on until the eyelash sheds naturally.” (

    So what does that mean? Your lashes get to breathe… meaning no damage. HOLLA AT YA GIRL. This adhesive also lasts longer than most traditional ‘glue’

    WARNING: Ask about the adhesive the stylist uses… I learned some use WEAVE GLUE. On your EYE. Thank you, NEXT. (More on this in you get what you pay for)

    If you aren’t local (greater Philadelphia area) I highly recommend clicking HERE to find a Lashe stylist near you.

    Let’s talk dirty details

    Request a consult with the lash stylist if they don’t require it ( Gab requires a consult ). This is where you set expectations, talk through the process and ask all your questions. Be sure to ask about their education, certification and how long they have been in the field. THIS IS IMPORTANT. I tell you guys all the time if you are hiring a professional, ASK for credentials. Also, ask how they sanitize their equipment. Adolf Biecker Spa/Salon uses medical grade sanitation. (HECK YES)

    Lashes aren’t cheap. A full set is an investment… after that it is reasonable (I swear). Price varies from place to place. It also depends on the experience of the stylist and the type of lash they use. Do you really want to cut corners when someone has adhesive near your eyeballs??? (Hint: No.)

    A full set takes up to two hours…maybe longer if you have a lot of natural lashes. Your stylist will be able to tell how long it will take during your consult.

    How long they last between refills depends on a few things, the type of lash, the adhesive and how you care for them all play a roll. If you are a rule follower like me (teachers pet over here for SURE) and use a Lashe stylist you will need a refill once a month. When I had a different brand of lashes I needed refills every two weeks.

    After care is EASY. You can’t get them wet for 24 hours…meaning no shower, workout or steam room. EASY. Brush them and use oil free products. Try not to sleep on them too much… I tuck my pillow under so my eyes aren’t touching but my neck is supported.

    Keep oil away from lashes… ALWAYS use an oil free makeup remover near your extensions. I wear a hat when I workout to catch the sweat to avoid getting it near my lashes.

    THAT’S IT. Don’t forget to follow Gab + Kate on socials!!




  • January 2019 Reading List

    January 2019 Reading List

    Fun Fact: I learned how to read in eighth grade. Im serious.

    Eighth grade.

    So the irony in how much I read isn’t lost on me. There is so much you can gain from reading. Knowledge. Mindset. Escape.

    Currently I have three books I am reading. Yes. Three. How?

    Different types of books gift you with different things. I need something hard, intense and motivating. I need something softer before bed. I need something easy yet thought provoking.

    I also use three different mediums. Audiobook. Hard copy. Kindle App.

    That way I constantly have a book at my finger tips.

    Audiobooks are my favorite. I can listen and clean, drive, go for a walk. I can listen and take notes on my phone. I love audiobooks for autobiographies // mindset mastery …you get extra details that were left out especially if they are read by the author. You can hear their tone and really how the author wanted you to feel the words.

    Right now Im listening to “Cant Hurt Me” by David Goggins. You NEED the audiobook. He made it an audiobook // podcast hybrid. You get so many extra details… extra stories about his truly traumatic childhood. It gives you his perspective. He dives deeper. 13/10 recommend.

    Im also reading Khloé Kardashian’s “Strong Looks Better Naked”. A client bought it into the studio for me to borrow. Im LOVING every word. Kholé has always been my favorite. She has always been raw, real and unapologetic. Her book is no different. I love her mindset behind fitness. It was, and is, her therapy. Her mind is her biggest strength.

    My casual book is “Spark of Light” by Jodi Picoult. I have been a HUGE fan of hers since I read The Pack in 10th grade. Her books explore super controversial topics. She gives so much life to each of her characters and you connect on the deepest levels with every single one of them…even the ones you want to hate. So. Dang. Good.

    Tell me what are you reading? How do you read? Are you an audiobook babe? Hard copy? Let me know!!