I Ain’t Sayin She’s a ‘Goal Digger’….

Hello Hello Hello

I hope your holidays were Merry and Bright!! As this year wraps up I’m am soooooo thankful for how terrible my 2015 was because it set me up to have a killer 2016. Isn’t that the way life goes? I mean that’s how it is in the movies so in must be how it goes right? Unless you are my best friend Peter… everything always works out for him. Anyway, I knew I wanted to make 2016 my year to get things done. I wrote out a hefty goals list for 2016 and I have to say I achieved every milestone. 

It’s the time of year for a fresh start and honestly, you should give it your all. If you aren’t exactly where you want to be in life it’s time to make changes. Speaking as your friend, we all need that extra little push to help us get started. And because we are friends, I made this chic Goal Digger Guide for you to print and post where you can look at it every single day. Frame it, tape it, put it on a billboard, I don’t care as long as you look your goals in the face every single day.

Take a second to look at seven categories. I’m sure as you look at them one or two goals are popping into your head already. Great. Write them down. Then take a few minutes to really think about exactly where you want to be 365 days from right now. Write down the things you want to most but scare you, the goals that make you nervous… those are my personal favorite. Try to have at least two goals per category, but no more than five…I want you to be set up for success.

Remember that we can have it all but not all at once. I can’t work a 12 hours shift, get a massage, do a speaking engagement for the Arthritis Foundation and teach a pilates class all in one day. However, I could totally do all of those things over two or three days. It’s called balance and we all need it. What I am trying to say is, don’t be overwhelmed with the amount of goals you have. Having goals is great and you will achieve them, just not over night. The fun part is busting your booty to watch all your dreams come true.

Okay, go light a candle, put on your favorite song and write down your wildest dreams. THEN share them with me (Please & Thank you). If you aren’t a social media girl, send a little love note to my email address. I am so excited for 2017 and I really hope you are too!!!!!




2 responses to “I Ain’t Sayin She’s a ‘Goal Digger’….”

  1. Alex Avatar

    I will be doing this tonight xoxo

    1. katied06@live.com Avatar

      YAYYYYYY!! Love you so much

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