January 2019 Reading List

Fun Fact: I learned how to read in eighth grade. Im serious.

Eighth grade.

So the irony in how much I read isn’t lost on me. There is so much you can gain from reading. Knowledge. Mindset. Escape.

Currently I have three books I am reading. Yes. Three. How?

Different types of books gift you with different things. I need something hard, intense and motivating. I need something softer before bed. I need something easy yet thought provoking.

I also use three different mediums. Audiobook. Hard copy. Kindle App.

That way I constantly have a book at my finger tips.

Audiobooks are my favorite. I can listen and clean, drive, go for a walk. I can listen and take notes on my phone. I love audiobooks for autobiographies // mindset mastery …you get extra details that were left out especially if they are read by the author. You can hear their tone and really how the author wanted you to feel the words.

Right now Im listening to “Cant Hurt Me” by David Goggins. You NEED the audiobook. He made it an audiobook // podcast hybrid. You get so many extra details… extra stories about his truly traumatic childhood. It gives you his perspective. He dives deeper. 13/10 recommend.

Im also reading Khloé Kardashian’s “Strong Looks Better Naked”. A client bought it into the studio for me to borrow. Im LOVING every word. Kholé has always been my favorite. She has always been raw, real and unapologetic. Her book is no different. I love her mindset behind fitness. It was, and is, her therapy. Her mind is her biggest strength.

My casual book is “Spark of Light” by Jodi Picoult. I have been a HUGE fan of hers since I read The Pack in 10th grade. Her books explore super controversial topics. She gives so much life to each of her characters and you connect on the deepest levels with every single one of them…even the ones you want to hate. So. Dang. Good.

Tell me what are you reading? How do you read? Are you an audiobook babe? Hard copy? Let me know!!


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