Keeping my promise to all my favorites… here is todays lower body lift!! My warm up… I’m laughing as I type because it kicked my ass… was a Cycle class with the one and only Tori Sterling ( @toristerling_ ) Her playlist was hot fire… per usual. If you haven’t been to Soul Beat yet… GET THERE.

After cycle I went to Extreme Gym for LEG DAY. It’s been an hour and I’m still shaking so get ready… this is a good one. ALSO…my sweaty hair is the perfect indication of how hard this work out is. You have been fully warned.


You can be a psycho like me and warm up with a cycle class orrrr Incline walk at 3.5 speed for 15 minutes

Dynamic stretching: Leg swings (front to back // lateral )

50 unweighted traditional squats

25 glute bridges


***Four sets of 12-15 reps depending on how much weight you can lift. Example: If I am not extremely fatigued at the end of 15 reps, I need to up my weight. On the other hand, if I can barely get 12 reps and my form sucks, I need to drop weight. Find the weight that is super challenging yet SAFE

Sumo Squat Deadlifts with Barbell

-keep core tight and back flat. Toes pointed out wider that hip distance. One hand over grip, one hand under keeping the thumb with your fingers. Lower slow and controlled.. press up through your heals and squeeze your booty at the top

Weighted Lunges on Smith Machine

– These always kick my booty. I prefer the Smith machine because it helps keep my body in alignment when I don’t have a spotter. I always keep both legs at 90 degrees in the lowest position and press up through the heel on my FRONT leg. 15 reps on each side.

One Leg Deadlift on Smith Machine 

  • Im OBSESSED with one leg deadlifts. Again the Smith Machine helps with alignment as well as balance for these unilateral movements. Standing close to the bar with an overhand/underhand grip balance on one leg. Engage your core and slowly lower the bar with a flat back. Keep your hips square to the bar. Then press up through your heel and squeeze your booty at the top. 12-15 on this side and switch legs.

Kneeling Squat on Smith Machine

  • GRAB A MAT. Fold up the mat under the bar to protect your knees. Come to kneeling on the mat with the bar resting on your shoulders. Sit your butt back toward your heels. Press up through your glutes and squeeze at the top.

Hip Thrusts with Dumbbell

  • Find an open bench, grab a heavy dumbbell and the mat you were using for the last exercise. Sit on the floor off to the side, resting your shoulders on the bench. Fold the mat and place it on your hips with the dumbbell on top. Place your feet shoulder distance apart. Press up through your heels bringing your body into a table top position, squeeze your booty and slowly lower keeping tension on your muscles. TIP: I like to curl my toe to the ceiling to engage the back of the body more.

Hamstring Curls 

  • Come to lying on the curl machine and pick your weight. Curl the pad towards your butt and pause with the contraction in your hamstring. Slowly lower.

TRY IT. Let me know if you were just as sweaty and I was (am). Also, don’t forget to check out my babes at Soul Beat. Tell them I sent you!!




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