Life Update!!

Hey guys! Long time no talk…If you follow me on snapchat you probably know we took a spur of the moment trip to Vermont to pick up Matt from military camp. (You know it is an emergent situation if the Dudley family takes a 9 hour road trip…we typically fly everywhere) To make a very long story short, Matt had a sore throat and a fever of 102 that sent him to the doctors on Friday. Saturday morning at 3am his throat was so swollen it was in the ER because he couldn’t breathe at that time his fever shot up to 104. NO ONE from the camp called to say Matt was in the ER and they left him all day in him dorm with no air conditioning and no medication. We called every single person of contact on the papers the camp gave and no one was helpful in the least. Luckily they were kind enough to give Mattt his phone back (you know, just in case he has to call 911 while he was alone). After half a dozen voicemails we did get to talk to someone from the camp and Momma told him we were on our way. Fast forward 9ish hours to us pulling into campus and the Navy Seal in charge of the camp explaining that he didn’t know we were coming or why Matt was leaving. TOTAL shit show. Anyway, they opened the gates so we could drive up to his dorm where he was walked out by ten or so kids carrying his stuff.

After our first hugs we took out a flash light and looked in his throat (which no one at the camp did by the way…they were going to make him participate the next day) and it was like nothing I have ever seen. It looked like there were half a dozen blisters and only HUGE (golfball sized maybe bigger) white spot…it looked almost like a cotton ball in the back of this poor kids throat. Needless to say, we packed up his stuff and got him the hell out of there.

We drove the whole 10 minutes to our favorite hotel where our friend Valerie works the front desk…she is SERIOUSLY the sweetest. She greats us like we are family. She is totally getting added to the Christmas Card list. LOVE HER. Anyway we get up to our rooms and get settled..Mom and Dad come down to the room Matt and I are sharing and we order room service which is the same menu as the amazing restaurant down stairs. We order our favorites (mine is their Mediterranean Chicken Pasta…sun dried tomatoes, artichoke, olives, feta…it is AMAZING). After we scarfed down dinner Matt wanted to walk around town so that is what we did. We walked and talked. Matt told us stories from camp…we only got to talk a few minutes a day so there was a lot we didnt know. We walked the entire town stopped for iceceam and walk some more. When we got back to the hotel, I set alarms on my phone to wake matt up to take his medications in the middle of the night. We each crawled into our cozy beds and watched Impractical Jokers until we couldn’t keep our eyes open.

The next morning we were up with the birds to pack up and get back on the road. The Dudley family getting ready for a long car ride is a sight to see. I can only think of two other times we have driven for a long distance and neither one was pretty…Thank God for frequent flyer miles.  Before we left Vermont for the very last time we grabbed and a little breakfast from a themed coffee shop…I think the theme was Vermont/Bernie Sanders. When we walked in Matt said, “It smells like weed and coffee in here.” That is definitely the most accurate description ever…regardless the food and coffee were amazing.

We then piled in the car for the nine hour journey. As we drove Matt’s fever started to spike again and you could tell, even with the medication, he was so sick. We went right to CHOPs urgent care where he was see and treated with steroids. He is feeling much better now but he has a lot of resting to do before Saturday because we are headed to my FAVORITE place on earth and I am taking you guys with me!

Expect a bunch of vlogs in the next week and a half! PS with classes starting again in the next couple of weeks I plan to give you content at least three days a week. Some week (when I don’t have exams) you may get more but I will always give you at least three new things to read//watch during the semester. I haven’t figured out what days I will be posting yet…The first few weeks I am going to play it by ear to see when I have the most free time.

Anyway, it was GREAT catching up with you!! Since I have been home I have started a new project. I am helping my friend Meghan organize her house! Her project includes the basement, her office//party room, and 5ish closets. Today we are on day three and we have made MAJOR progress. The basement is pretty much all done. I cant wait to show you before and afters. Here is a sneak peak.


Well I’m off to make some protein pancakes before TRX and more work on the organization project!! Can you believe it is Wednesday already!?! I feel like this week is FLYING




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