I have been having a rough few days. You know when you are working hard, doing everything you’re expected to do (and then some) and someone everything still manages to blow up in your face?
This morning, I woke up telling myself it was going to be a good day. I took a long shower, made dog food, folded laundry, made myself breakfast//lunch and went to pilates. Im sitting at my TPB themed desk with candles burning with a warm cup of coffee and Beyonce playing in the background ( Sorry on repeat ). I took some time to scroll through the 1,414 screenshots I have on my phone.
About a year ago I started taking screenshots of my friends snapchat selfies. I knew they could see that I was doing it but I didnt tell them why. I took a screenshot every time I thought they were beaming with happiness or when I thought they looked incredibly beautiful or when they were being super silly. I screenshot funny conversations, quotes, tweets…pretty much anything that I know I can turn a bad day around. So what do I do with these 1,414 screenshots? Im glad you asked…
I randomly send my friends a collage of pictures with a paragraph or two about why they are so special to me. I tell them all my favorite things about them, things that they might not know people notice. I know how good it makes me feel when I write them those messages, I usually cry while writing them, so I can only imagine how it makes them feel. I think it is important to tell people how much they mean to you outside of their birthday or a special occasion.
Okay so today, pick a friend or two, maybe someone who you haven’t seen in a while and write them a love note to tell them all the little things you adore about them. Then tell me how made them feel, and how it changed your day, because it will. I think I might take this concept and make it bigger….maybe a hashtag… #TPBloveyourselfie Thoughts? Do you have a better hashtag? Let me knowwwwwww.
How cool would it be to highlight the people you love the most? Maybe we will have an online event were you send me email//facebook messages//DMs about your bomb ass squad and then I post a couple every Sunday. My head is spinning with ideas.
Long story short let’s build up other girls. If you have a better way to do it leave me a love note in the comment section!!
Ps enjoy my favorite selfies of my friends!
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