MAJOR Announcement // Life update

Well long time no talk, but trust me, I have been putting in crazy amounts of work outside of the internet.

If you follow me on my socials, you have probably realized I have made some HUGE life changing decisions. As of June 6th, my 24th birthday, I became a full time Pilates instructor at Life Time Athletic in King of Prussia. I know what you’re thinking…

“But Katie, what about NURSING???”

Well I have to be honest with you, I was given an offer to follow my dreams and I couldn’t say no. Nursing will always be there but right now I’m on the proactive side of health care instead of the reactive side. I am taking clients with complex medical histories and helping them prevent another hospital stay. I know it’s not the only thing nurses do, but I hated hated hated handing out pills. The things that I love about nursing, the clients, the interaction, the progress are all part of my current career. This is a good thing.

Because of this new life change, you can expect MORE content. I will be providing FREE workouts every Sunday, which will be the same as the ‘homework’ I give my clients in the studio.  Expect more recipes, playlists, beauty tips and stories.


Pilates is a system of exercise designed to work the ENTIRE body starting from the core out. So what does that mean for you? Flat abs baby… in addition to the increase in muscle tone and flexibility you will see everywhere else. Have you ever heard of Kate Hudson? Labron James? They practice Pilates. Kate, to stay red carpet ready at all times. Mr James uses Pilates to prevent injury, increase his range of motion while decreasing workload on his body by moving his body more efficiently on the court.

Sounds good right? What if I told you it is safe to practice seven days a week…because it is. In Pilates we lengthen your muscles without tearing meaning there is no recovery time. Pilates put my Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus in remission…something seven years of medications, treatments and hospital stays couldn’t accomplish. I truly believe Pilates is for every BODY.

If you haven’t been on a reformer (pictured above) I highly encourage finding a studio near you!!

I am so so so excited to share everything I am learning.

I hope you have the BEST Friday!!




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