Morning Routine


I am back. I am sleep deprived and hormonal but my skin has never looked better so cheers to me. 

You guys know if you’ve been here I am a big morning person. Mornings are so important to me. My days are so jam-packed // totally bonkers that I need an hour in the morning for myself. I have tried the whole hop out of bed and go method and it is not for me. I need me time in the stillness. The world is quiet and I don’t have to be ‘on’. 

The alarm goes off at 4am six days a week. 

I say good morning to Carter (my dog // best puppy friend // main dude ) and check my DMs … probably not the most productive habit but sue me. I love talking to you guys. 

By 4:15am I am making myself a coffee (six small ice cubes, two scoops of collagen, coconut milk, and a straw) + taking my Ritual vitamin, letting Carter outside and scrolling through my podcasts or the PepTalk app to see what I am going to listen to while I start my day. 

I let Carter back inside and he and I head upstairs to do red light therapy (more on that in a separate post), read The Daily Stoic + journal. I spend a full 15 minutes reading // reflecting. It helps me set an intention for my day, clear out any thoughts holding me in the past or waste time worrying about the future. My clearing journal allows me to be present and brain dump. If you want // need more details on this part of my day let me know…honestly, it sets the tone for my energy and gets me going. 

[Side note: a client // friend gifted me my favorite quote for Christmas. She MADE that her dang self and I love waking up and saying those powerful words out loud. It’s one of my favorite things I own. ]

Then I turn on a podcast while I look at my schedule for the day. I teach seven days a week so I check in with my class lists to get an idea of what I’m teaching…I check to see who is taking a double, who has an old injury we are working through and create a mental goal for each group. Looking at the day hour by hour helps me decide where my priority needs to be. If my day is wild, I get dressed and head to spin to ensure I get some sort of sweat in for the day early so it’s off my plate. 

On lighter days I will crawl back in bed plan out my day in detail… workouts, to-do list, + meals. Then I let myself relax a little…reading or mediating or watch strangers wedding videos on YouTube. Whatever tickles my fancy that day. Sometimes I will use this time to print invoices // shipping labels for that day’s merch shipments 

About an hour before I need to get out the door (usually 5am) I hop in the shower // tub. I get ready, make my bed and listen to another podcast. ( my top three are Ed Mylett, The Skinny Confidential + The Bitch Bible  ) If I’m in the tub, I’m answering emails + DMs, watching Instagram stories // Tic Tok or scrolling through my feeds. 

PS I always attack my messages in that order… emails, DMs then texts. Why? Response time. If I start with texts I will get trapped there because it’s the fastest reply time. Email is the slowest so I start there… They are usually the most important or work-related as well so I want to make sure that Inbox taken care of early. Then I move to DMs and lastly texts… confession I hate texting. It’s exhausting. There is an expectation to respond in 0.2 seconds and honestly its the worst. I’m the worst when it comes to texting back… I’m sorry. 

I digress. 

After my bath // messages I dry my bod in front of a fan. I never ever EVER dry my skin with a towel. I’m psycho about my skin… HELLO ITS OUR BIGGEST ORGAN so I give her the love she deserves. We moisturize, do our morning skin routine if we have a new client I might even throw on mascara…most days I rock a makeup-free face. 

 Then I put on black align pants, a cropped tank, and an XXL black sweatshirt. I have five of these. They are cheap, cozy and a staple in my wardrobe. Highly recommend. 

I make my bed and then check my phone one more time before I head downstairs. 

I pre-heat my Jeep while I feed Carter, pack up my meal prep (read: chicken) and fill my hydro jug (shameless plug: code TPB saves you money honey). Then I’m out the door! 

That’s the morning babes… and no I don’t eat breakfast at home. I’m not super hungry after drinking collagen so I wait until I start to feel hunger cues start to stir before I chow down. 

I know this picture is blurry… but COME ON…have you ever in your life seen anything more perfect?!?! I have not ( I also have never met Jessica Simpson so she might be the only thing above him and even then it would be a close call)


Make good choices, look both ways.




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