My Best Kept Skin Care Secret: Two Steps for ***Flawless Skin

Having beautiful glowing skin is super important to me. I have cutaneous lupus ( in my skin ) which for me causes rashes, lumps, bumps and discoloration. I am crazyyyyy about keeping my routine consistent, simple and all natural.

First of all, I love a clean, makeup free face. I always always always take off my makeup before bed. Even when my college roommates and I would come home at 2am from…studying…I would make them take off their make up. I used to have a rule that I wouldn’t wear makeup two days a week. In the past year or so that rule has become pointless since I probably only wear makeup two days a week, if that.

Before we get into the products I use on face, you need to know the best way to have ***flawless skin is a clean diet and drinking a plethora of water. Nothing makes your skin gleam like three weeks of Berry Blemish Blasters and organic spinach salads. Think about it. You belly and small intestines break down our food and strips it of nutrients to ship them to the cells that need them. If these nutrients get all the way to your skin imagine how happy and healthy your entire body is. Pretty skin is the result of a good diet.

Now on the good stuff. I feel like I have tried every brand of skin care on the market. Did these products work? Sure. However, these same products were bleaching my towels. If a product can bleach a towel what on earth is it doing to my skin… Scary right?

My skin care routine is simple. Wash and tone. I wash my face first thing in the morning, before* and after a workout and before bed. (*Note: I only wash my face before a workout if I am wearing makeup). My favorite is Dr. Bronner’s 4-in-1 Sugar Baby Unscented Organic Pump Soap. You can find it at Whole Foods, Target, and even at American Apparel. I love the fact that there are NO chemicals and it leaves my skin squeaky clean. What more could you want? They offer a handful of scented options too, but for my face I prefer the unscented.

The final step is toning my face with apple cider vinegar (ACV). I use ACV on my face every night before bed and if I’m not leaving my house for a while I will use it in the morning too. I put a little on a cotton pad and rub it all over my face and neck. Why ACV? It dries out any pimples and FAST. It is strong, effective and most importantly all natural. I know that I’m not putting any nasty chemical on my skin.

Did you know that it takes 26 seconds for what you put on your skin to absorb into you bloodstream? Think about that…your lotions and makeup get in to your blood and are pumped around to your entire body. Your skin is your biggest organ. Its main function? Protection. Take a second to think about all the things we do to our skin. We wax, tan, burn and ( if you are a Kardashian ) bleach it. Without getting to deep into the topic of tanning, imagine putting your liver, brain or heart in a tanning bed for 10 minutes… Think about what that would do to your precious organs. Gross. Stop tanning.

Alright babes, now is the time where you leave me a love note in the comment section telling me you must have skin care products. Anyone have a good all natural moisturizer? Share with us please! Happy Friday!




7 responses to “My Best Kept Skin Care Secret: Two Steps for ***Flawless Skin”

  1. Caroline Avatar

    I don’t think that it’s all natural, but I’ve always loved Cetaphil for moisturizer. I also can’t agree with you more when it comes to tanning!! It’s a scary thing that so many people seem to take lightly. Thanks for another great post! (:

    1. Avatar

      Hey Caroline!!

      I have heard great things about Cetaphil…I will go get some today to try! Thanks for reading and commenting!!!



  2. Meghan rowan Avatar
    Meghan rowan

    Fav moisturizer is coconut oil!!!!

    1. Avatar

      Before I had lash extensions coconut oil was my go to!!! Now if I use it, it will take off my lashes. Uhhhhh first world problems.

  3. Patti Avatar

    I’ve never tried ACV as a toner, but I love it mixed with Aztec secret clay (as a mask)! Great post, I think I’ll try using my Bragg’s as a toner too!

    1. Avatar

      Hi Patti!

      Try it and let me know what you think!! I have never used the Aztec Secret Clay mask but I’m going to try it!!



  4. Crystal Davenport Avatar
    Crystal Davenport

    Just took some screen shots of this.. Gonna go out and buy it today.. Remember my black charcoal soap ???? I told Amber about this remedy of yours and she wants to try it. She tends to breakout and get a lot of cyst. I never new ACV took care of pimples. Always up for trying new things. I want a glowing face like yours! ????

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