If we have met you probably know about my extreme day planner obsession. Having a perfectly OCD planner is SUPER important to me, so much so that there was a post during my launch. Well, in the last month I have upgraded to the most over the top OCD planner…ever. They are currently having a Christmas in July Sale so I NEEDED to share this company with you.
Here is the deal, The Purposeful Planner by Corie Clark breaks down pretty much your entire life. Each month you get a Month at a Glance calendar, monthly budget (broken down into 11 categories), Monthly Menu, Master Task List, Dreams and Goals, and a full page per day with a schedule from 6am-9pm. Are you feeling calmer and more organized already? Same.
Running a blog, babysitting, school and balancing my life can be tricky. Most days I have at least three major tasks that need to be done. This means time management is key…and it has always been my weakness. I will get caught up in writing a post or editing a picture or playing with a recipe (these things really excite me… am I 23 or 63…you decide).
My planner breaking down my day by the hour ensures that I stick to the time table I have given each task. Each Sunday I map out the BIG things for each day, work hours, gym, blog posts, social events. Then I see where I can squeeze in the little things (laundry, studying, research for up-coming posts). On days where I have a lot of free time, I take a look at my Master Task List and work on getting those accomplished. I mean seriously, you need this planner.
If you are a student, a mom or just a girl with selective OCD (should we start a club? Unclear, but let me know) you NEED this planner. You all ready know I still use my collection of washi tape for the month at a glance calendar, but take a look at how detailed each day is…UNREAL.
Each day is broken down completely. You start with selecting your three main tasks for the day, followed by your schedule broken down by the hour (6am-9pm). There is a health section to fill in your workout or goal for the day. Next there is a section to check off your water intake…8 little circles…LOVE. There is also a section for Prayers & Praise, a suggested 15 minute activity for the day (today’s is to clean your ear haha). You also get a section for a Brain Dump, Retail Therapy and you daily Menu. This is for EVERY day of the work week.
Saturdays and Sundays are slightly different…you don’t get the hourly schedule…which I would like to see in next years addition. My weekends are equally as crazy as my week days. Even with that tiny flaw, this is still the best planner on the market in my opinion.
Okay okay, I am off to re organize my closet and recreate the most amazing pasta dish I had in Vermont. Did you order your planner yet? Have a great day babes!
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