Sunday Snap Recap: July 11-17th

Happy Sunday! I was up and off on a walk bright and early this morning…My eye situation is still questionable so I unfortunately didnt want to risk biking from Philly to AC with the crew from my gym nor do I want to infect everyone else. So until tomorrow all of my workouts are from home.

This week was busy. I am still trying to desperately get the hang of ‘vlogging’. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is pretty much talking to the camera about your day instead of typing it out…little did I know, there are more rules and regulations involved…hang in there while I figure it out. If you haven’t taken a look yet, there are two videos up and ready to go…again I don’t have any idea what I am doing so be kind.

Monday I started testing out a cleanse//nutrition plan…which I stopped on Friday. I will put together a full review and why programs don’t work for me. But long story short, I feel like I get more nutrients in my diet when I’m not on a program. I eat a lot more off a plan and to be honest I am not a three meals a day kind of girl. I like five-six smaller ones…half of which are all veggies. Also, this may be just me but I hate feeling like I’m ‘cheating’ on a cleanse for taking a second helping of brussels sprouts. Nutrition programs just aren’t for me. That being said, I will continue to use the products from this company because I really do like them. I would recommend this program to people who are just learning the in’s and out’s of healthy eating. More on that next week!

I have you every heard of a 23 year old with pink eye? Me either…until Wednesday. Also, FYI antibiotic eyes burn. Wednesday//Thursday I didn’t want to leave the house with nasty looking eye balls so I spent the day pulling together content for the blog, practicing editing videos and watching Mary Kate and Ashely movies.

Before you get into the pictures, I was asked to give a little run down on How to Use Snapchat. (If you are under 27 years old you can skip this part)

First of all, you need to download the app and make an account. Got that? Okay so now your phone looks like it is ready to take a picture…See the ghost icon in the centered at the top of your screen? Press it. Next, hit add friends. Then click “Add from Address Book” now pick the people that you want to add. Once, you have friends, and they have added you back, you can start sending them snaps. Take a picture (or selfie), press the blue arrow at the bottom right hand corner and pick who you want to send it to. Do you want all your friends to see it? Make sure you add it to “My Story”. How do you do the puppy filter? Turn on the front facing camera and hold your finger down on your face… a bunch of filters pop up. So easy, so fun!

I hope you guys had a great weekend! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.




One response to “Sunday Snap Recap: July 11-17th”

  1. Cara Avatar

    Thank you!!! You are the best.

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