The Pilates Blonde

The Pilates Blonde is my idol. She is carefree, confident, fun and the most electric // zesty person in every room. She is kind and gentle yet forceful. She is poised and firm. 

When you picture her she is strength wrapped in a smile. 

The Pilates Blonde inspires the world to do better, be better and love harder. 

She inspires fun. She proves you can be the hardest working person in the room while having the most fun. 

You can wear the warmest smile and the most positive outlook. 

You can be both serious and silly simultaneously. Together they are powerful. 

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She knows it is possible to carve your own path. The road untravelled…or better yet unpaved is often the one with the most rewards. 

She shows you what it’s like to live unapologetically and that It is possible to embrace + acknowledge your flaws but to love them. Amor Fati. 

She is here to prove there is love in the struggle. In fact, the bigger the struggle the bigger the love. You don’t fight for what you feel is worthless. 

The Pilates Blonde also encourages you to abandon what isn’t for you, because you know your worth without a doubt. 

She picks you up and pushes you into your potential.

For you, I hope she is everything she is for me. 

She is the friend + mentor I needed at my lowest points. She is the voice in my head and the burning in the pit of my stomach telling me to leave my comfort zone. 

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She’s the extra mile. The last rep. The first phone call I wanted to when my world is shattering. 

She is the unwavering strength. She is endless opportunities. 

Every morning, I strive to be a little more like her. Every morning I check in with her, this ideal version of myself, the person I hope to be one day… to see if I’m one step closer. 

How would she deal with that conflict or conversation or celebration of self? 

I allow this version of myself to hold me accountable. She helps me break down barriers because in her world they don’t exist.

I don’t always show up as her… some times I’m tired. I’m stressed. I’m overwhelmed. I’m hungry. 

Even when I’m all of those things… when I’m my own worst enemy, she is my support. 

I hope she is everything for you in the way she is for me. 

Make good choices. Look both ways. 

I love you the most, 



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